I don't even know where to begin in this thing. So, instead, I believe I will post the funniest picture ever:
That's Julie and our Hospital's cat "Six". Six is 21 pounds and full of sass....as well we other things.
Has anyone seen that commercial for that Hilary Duff movie where she sings? What notes are those?! That was the grossest singing I had ever heard. She singing the notes like a fucking frog....Let's not lie, I'll probably get drunk and see it.
Everyday I'm getting more and more excited for moving to Humboldt. Especially since I don't talk to half my friends because they either are busy or for some reason they think I hate them....or they are in the hospital or moved away to Arizona. In any case I think it's time to "Breakaway" (yea, that was a Kelly Clarkson pun....I'm embarassed for myself)
I see Gavin DegRaw in 2 weeks.....mmmm Gavin.
I miss Paul.