Dec 25, 2007 22:31
skilled bracelet: and my brother gave me this aoap...i guess i smell bad
skilled bracelet: soap*
lintball18: haha i got soap too!
lintball18: with sparkles in it
skilled bracelet: lucky!
lintball18: so i guess i smell AND im ugluy
lintball18: *ugly
lintball18: lol
skilled bracelet: i got like this aloe lily thing
skilled bracelet: it smells like springy...
lintball18: you could make a poem!
lintball18: i got this aloe lily thingy
skilled bracelet: ....reallly
lintball18: it smells like springy
skilled bracelet: lmao
lintball18: it makes me feel all tingly
lintball18: haha
skilled bracelet: sometimes i use it when i get smelly!
lintball18: hehehe
skilled bracelet: i rub it all over my body and belly (sorry...had to rhyme)
skilled bracelet: lol
lintball18: hahaha
skilled bracelet: and when i get out of the shower
skilled bracelet: the shower took over an yah!
lintball18: hahahaha!
skilled bracelet: so heres the ending conclusion
skilled bracelet: how if youre smelly....youll get a bruisin!
lintball18: haha!
lintball18: woot!
lintball18: *claps*
skilled bracelet: so use the springy, aloe thingy soap, and learn that smelly people dont cope, they mope! fuck yes, i am the bomb diggity lol