Nov 21, 2011 17:44
I've had a spate of running into people I know in random places. First of all it was Fran, Jo, Ed and Angel in The Swimmer of all places - Jo seemed surprised to see me 'What are you doing here?' 'I LIVE HERE' 'Oh you really DO LIVE HERE'. And then it was Rob, Donna and Jonah in the middle of Hampstead heath of all places (Rob and I were taking the same picture of the same spooky trees) so that's nice, isn't it? Also Jonah is BRILLIANT. Mainly because he find me HILARIOUS.
I spent Friday watching a play. No comment. And then Saturday and Sunday were just pleasant days of sleeping and catching up with The Killing II (Think I've nailed it again but can't say anything, obv) - Not Enough Lund (but what little there has been has been worth every moment - she is acting lost confidence so so beautifully) and I think the Birk-Larsens were the heart of The Killing - I commented to a friend that it's just not the same without Pernille gazing vacantly at a coffee mug. Also the names aren’t nearly as hilariously Scandixotic as they were in the first series. And worst of all, Danish Government = way way less sexy than Copenhagen Rathus - ptthhhhhhh.
I also watched Pan-Am…which is like…er - euh…don't quite get it. There's something hypnotic about the powder blue uniforms though. I prefer Radio 4 sitcom, Cabin Pressure. Mainly because I like my pilots like Roger Allam, not 20 year old boys. Christina Ricci Pan-Am is not acting very well and has stupid stary eyes and I'm not enjoying the skinny trousers and saying 'Hegel' occasionally to imply intellect. Spy Pan-Am is too…bland. Blonde Pan-Am is beguilingly beautiful, but not sure why she exists (also she is way too tall to have ever been an air stewardess). French Pan-Am is my favourite Pan-Am but I couldn’t say why. That is all I have to say about Pan Am. The end.
The rest of the weekend was spent learning swathes of Shakespeare - I mean so much Shakespeare. The best bit was wandering around the sweltering late November heath (19th November - t-shirt weather - WHAT?) doing that. Every time I tried to sit on a quiet bench to do it people would come over to listen. Either that or certify me. Then home. I have now got armfuls of Shakespeare learned. I am utterly beyond skint this week, every last available penny spent but that's okay - I rather like having to use up all my freezer/cupboard stores and having to walk to school because I've run out of Oyster I should be embarrassed at my age, but I've had a fun couple of months and I wouldn't have been overspent I'd had an expense claim back when I expected it and if utilities companies didn’t insist on overcharging you to the tune of 20 quid a month even thought you've told them a billion times that their DD amount is double what you actually spend with them leaving me owed £200 - I had a sort of improvised kedgeree yesterday. I spent the rest of the weekend sleeping and being nice to myself. It's been a tough few weeks and just going to sleep at 4pm on Saturday because it felt like bedtime, suited me down to the ground.
And finally I have deleted my OKC account. Like totes delete. I never got a date out of it, and finally I admitted to myself that I probably never would. As I said to Jane, I was recently matched with a man so ugly that his picture almost made sick in my teacup. I'm not shallow, no, but vomiting at someone on sight? Type/mismatch error at line 320 as my Dragon 32 used to say. That's okay, I'm too busy for any of that until 2014, anyway, by which point men will have been superseded by HOVERMEN. (Blimey, that's a terrifying thought - I'm imagining a man-sized hover-fly).
Tonight I am writing in the style of Shakespeare (SO MUCH SHAKESPEARE) I'm awfully glad I didn’t do any specific Shaksepeare electives at Uni. It would have killed me for him. I am enjoying building it all up again from scratch.
Also: Chicken tonight.