May 28, 2009 17:30
3 men just yelled out 'look at the tits on that' at me, unluckily it was the point where due to onewayage, I have to dismount and walk my bike home. I really should have laid into them, but...the best I can think of is 'Look at wait, you have no remarkable qualities whatsoever', which seemed a little beyond their capacity. Also they were carrying pool cues. Why is kiddy fiddling so awful, yet sexually harrassing young(ish) women 'sport'. Okay, not the same thing. On a positive note, that's the first time I've had that and felt it was harrassment rather than like I was being picked on for being fat.
Oh, and last night, crossing holloway road in my big shouldered john taylor jumper (with breasts) a bald man growled at me and said 'rawwwwr, sexy lady, oh yeah, nice'. And that is the news.
Oh and I am on Spring Break! I took tomorrow off to meet a friend for cawfee, tidy up and go to Berko to sit by canals and drink Pimm's. Then Saturday which could be anything!! No really!! Anything! Then Sunday which is 6 k or die day followed by Mahler followed by Mexican followed by Miss Francesca.
A good weekend approaches. I have honeydew in a glass. Ah yes.