OH MY GOD!!!!! So, last night when I was talking to Ben on the phone, he somehow convinced me to look at a map for the first time in two years. Big mistake. Now I feel like a complete and utter idiot, and I'm kind of scared of talking. But at least I can stop calling him an Eskimo. Ana, I think you may become a lumberjack.
I think you all should
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What Would You do if..?
I cried: you know the drill. chocolate, chick flicks, love
I asked you to help: i would help. a bit...
I died: SHUT UP!
I said I liked you: marry you
I kissed you: snog you right back...duh?
I stole something: glare at you
I was hospitalized: visit you every day and nurse you carefully back to health
I ran away from home: join you, of course
I got in a fight and you were there: help you pull his pants down, and pin him while you cracked his toes
I got dumped: you DONT get dumped. that's the magic of it
I pissed you off: scream
What Do You Think Of My..?
Personality: why do you think you are my best friend?
Eyes: lovely
Face: GORGY LIPS!!! very pretty
Hair: tres fun, and hip...and yay i was there when it got chopped
Clothes: just you
Voice: my favorite sound!
Humor: hahahahahaha
Choice of music: excellent, as you choose my music too
Manerisms: well, we can work on this one...
Family: loons, but they suit you
Body: hurrah for goddesses!
Friends: very hatterish
Decisions: you dont make decisions, babe, i make them FOR you
Would You..?
Be my friend: absolutely not
Tell me the truth no matter what: yes. i promise.
Lie to make me feel better: no. not usually...
Spread rumors about me: ew no!
Keep a secret if I told you one: mais oui. i'd only tell you anyways
Loan me some cash: of course. i do owe you a chocolate bar. but YOU owe ME seven dollars
Hold my hand: i always do!
Keep in touch: every night (ish)
Try and solve my problems: it's hard work, you know
Love me: every day in every way
Have Sex with me: well.....i'd definitely SAY i did to help get rid of unwanted boys
Ditch me: noooo
Use me: i DO use you for your cosmetics, but what are friends for? you clearly use me for my omlettes (ha!) and almay pads
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