(no subject)

Dec 28, 2004 13:59

well I might as well post it. I'm the idiot that filled the damn thing out
THANKS BRITTANY (twowayaddiction) :P

:x: Name = monet
:x: Piercings = 2, soon to be upped to 6
:x: Tattoos = none yet
:x: Height= 5'7
:x: Shoe size = 9
:x: Hair color = brown
:x: Siblings = nope

:x: Movie you rented = love actually
:x: Movie you bought= I don't buy movies
:x: CD you bought/burned = ummmm. bought goo goo dolls - gutterflower
:x: CD you listened to = christina aguilera - stripped
:x: T.V. show you've watched = nip/tuck
:x: Person that's called you = a telemarketer =\

:x: You have a crush on someone = mmmaybe
:x: You wish you could live somewhere else = OH YES
:x: You think about suicide = no, I like me too much
:x: You believe in online dating = not really my thing. I prefer to date a tangible being
:x: Others find you attractive = you tell me
:x: You want more piercings = yes'm
:x: You like cleaning = no but I'm a neat freak so I do anyway
:x: You like roller coasters = sure
:x: You write cursive or print = print

For or Against:
:x: Long distance relationships = had them. they suck. they don't work. but hey, try if you must
:x: Using someone = oh FOR. ?!??!
:x: Suicide = against
:x: Killing people = ha. against
:x: Teenage smoking = NO. I'm against ANYONE smoking. but if you really want to smell like a disgusting sack of smoke that's your choice
:x: Driving drunk = against.
:x: Gay/lesbian relationships = gee I wonder
:x: Soap operas = gah. no

Have You:
:x: Ever cried over a girl = yes =\
:x: Ever cried over a boy = yup
:x: Ever lied to someone = yeah
:x: Ever been in a fist fight = uhhm. a long time ago
:x: Ever been arrested = nope

:x: Shampoo do you use = whatever's in the shower. I think it's brilliant brunette right now
:x: Shoes do you wear = tons of different ones
:x: Are you scared of = spiders, heights, being buried alive

:x: Of times I have been in love? = 1
:x: Of hearts I have broken? = oh ha. I'm not answering this one
:x: Of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = hm
:x: Of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = a few
:x: Of scars on my body? = a lot
:x: Of things in my past that I regret? = I don't regret, I learn

Do you think you are:
:x: Pretty = you tell me
:x: Funny = why not
:x: Hot = you tell me
:x: Friendly = when I want to be
:x: Ugly = you tell me
:x: Loveable = when I want to be
:x: Caring = sure
:x: Sweet = not really
:x: Dorky = yeah lol

:x: 5 letter word: ?? never thought about it
:x: Actor/Actress: johnny depp/brittany murphy, julia roberts, hilary swank, audrey tautou
:x: Candy: don't really eat candy
:x: Cereal: kashi
:x: Chewing gum: orbit
:x: Color(s): baby blue/magenta
:x: Color nail polish: don't wear it
:x: Day of week: friday/saturday
:x: Least fave day: monday
:x: Flower: orchids, roses
:x: Jello flavor: gross
:x: Jewelry: the stuff I always wear. my 3 necklaces and rings
:x: Summer/Winter: summer when it's winter. winter when it's summer
:x: Trampolines or swimming pools: pools

Person who last
:x: Slept in your bed: me
:x: Saw you cry: uhmm. I don't know
:x: Made you cry: I don't know
:x: Yelled at you: again..
:x: Sent you an email: hrc

Have you Ever?
:x: Said "I love you" and meant it?: yeah
:x: Gone out in public in your pajamas: yeah
:x: Kept a secret from everyone: yep
:x: Cried during a movie: yes'm
:x: Planned your week based on the TV Guide: ?!?!?! do people actually do this?
:x: Been on stage: yeah
:x: Wished you were the opposite sex: yeah

:x: What time is it now?: 1:43
:x: Blue or red?: baby blue
:x: Walmart or target?: target. after I found out about walmart being fuckers against women
:x: Spring or Fall?: both
:x: What are you gonna do after you finish this?: pilates
:x: What was the last meal you ate?: last night. cereal
:x: Are you bored?: yes that's why I'm doing this
:x: Last noise you heard?: my wifey's beautiful voice
:x: Last smell you sniffed?: uh. haha. my cologne?
:x: Last time you went out of state?: this summer
:x: Do you believe in love at first sight?: lust at first sight. infatuation at first sight. love? no
:x: Do you want children one day & if so, how many?: ahhh. I don't know. probably not

:x: Most important thing to you in a friendship is?: trust
:x: Criminal record?: nope. I'm a law-abiding citizen
:x: Do you speak any other languages?: yeah
:x: Last book you read: Jesus and Buddha: The Parallel Sayings
:x: Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom?: my collage, dried roses, christina stuff
:x: Who you love: few people
:x: Initials: according to my birth certificate? MASK. I'll be dropping my last name though, so it'll just be MA
:x: How old do you look?: I don't know. I was just talking about this last night. SHAYLA HOW OLD DO I LOOK?
:x: How old do you act?: depends on my mood
:x: Glasses/Contacts: nope
:x: Pets?: 5. haha
:x: What makes you happy?: christina aguilera :D

:x: I Wish...: a lot of things

Have You Ever
:x: Thought you were going to die: yeah
:x: Wanted to Run away: when I was little
:x: Flunked a grade: nope
:x: Ran away: yeah
:x: Skipped a grade: yeah
:x: Moved: oh yeah
:x: Attempted to commit suicide: no
:x: Thought about it: I plead the fifth
:x: Been arrested: nope
:x: Gotten drunk: yep
:x: Been in jail: nope
:x: Contacted the police: oh probably
:x: Smoked: I shared a cigar with someone when I was like 15. THAT'S THE ONLY TIME =\
:x: Drank: yeah
:x: Been suspended: nope
:x: Hit A Girl: no
:x: Lied: yeah
:x: Stolen Anything: yeah when I was 14-ish
:x: Broken A Bone: fractured one in kindergarten
:x: Cheated On A Test: yeah
:x: Cheated On A Boy/Girlfriend: I plead the fifth
:x: Been In The Hospital: yes'm
:x: Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yup
:x: Fell asleep in the bath: haha. no
:x: Gone to Church: yeah
:x: Never slept during the night: oh yeah
:x: Been on a hike: yup. growing up with my mom it was kind of inevitable
:x: Been to camp: nope
:x: Gone a week w/out shaving: yup
:x: Didn't wash your hair for a week: no
:x: Broken something valuable: yeah
:x: Been in a tornado: newp
:x: Knew you were in love: yeah
:x: Streaked in the streets: haha no
:x: Been Skinny-dipping: no
:x: Screamed at someone for no reason: well there was a reason. but they weren't it
:x: Been in a fight: who hasn't
:x: Been hurt by someone you loved: oh yeah
:x: Been attacked: ??!?
:x: Stayed on the phone for over 3 hours: haha trey :P
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