Aug 17, 2005 17:55

&& yayyyy it was the first day of school today. And it really wasnt too bad in all honesty. i have friends in every class, so that made me really happy and i have classes with people who i've never had a class with before so i'm super excited about that.
i saw some of my freshman friends in the hallway and made sure they knew were they were going because i definetely remember being terrified my first day.
Wasnt everyone? i was so afraid an upperclassmen was going to like, push me or whatever.

&& i saw AJ last night before my game. I went with some girls to go decorate lockers before the game and there he was, in the hallway. ahah, Kelsey said it was 'destiny'. anyway, i went up to him and we had a nice, civil conversation, and he explained things from his point of view (being he went to sleep early, guys stole his phone, they told him the next morning) so he honestly had no clue what was going on. and its reallllllly hard for me to believe that entirely but i dont really have any other source so i'm just going to have to trust him.
and so we decided to remain friends, because he really is a good guy-friend. he's still loyal and sweet and nice, so we're definetley still friends.

&& game last night,(volleyball) versus Heritage Christian. we really should've won...but one of our best hitters tore her ACL (ouch! poor Lindsey) and that kinda set us back.
on a happy note though, i got 4 ACES, and 9 out of 12 serves in. we forgot to count sets for me (i'm a setter) but i'm willing to bet it was somewhere around 70-80 soooooo yes. cool =D

&& oh yes! wish us luck on Friday please! Choralaires (showchoir) are performing at Eaglefest (a big barbecue-type thing before the 1st football game) then and there'll be most of the school there + lots of parents, so....wish us luck please? thank you!

I know some of you are starting school soon,(or have already started) so i hope everyone has/had a great first week of school!
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