The Jump [poem]

Feb 10, 2009 20:30

The Jump (formerly “Untitled”)
Written by: Laura Olson

As my feet find stance
in the uncharted terrain
of the bridge’s outer ledge,
the black sea of pavement below
remains stoic, painstakingly still
despite the constant masses of metal and chrome
zooming by on its back.

The white shoes that mom bought me
stand out in the surrounding darkness
waving back and forth like a flag
of surrender
as I alternate from
heels scraping the concrete ledge
to toes pointing down to the ground below.

Without warning, the pavement
locks eyes with me
and winks.
My breath catches in my throat.
The blackness taunts me with a laugh.
It says, “Come and get me.
I dare you.”

My hands release their grip.
My heels depart the ledge.
I never was one to turn down a dare.

Copyright ©2009 Laura Olson


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