Ah, Friday was probably the best evening I've had in a while <3 dinner and movies in a nice company = simple but pleasant.
Then Saturday, exciting, but in a very different way~
Today chillin' out with a book in hand~ as per Tachibana-san's request: Shakespeare's "A Midsummer's Night Dream"
The fluff ball, named Scigin, is currently trying to eat my finger ^_~
He's accommodating rather well, Ryuzaki-san~
Tezuka: [ Thank you for the evening ♥ we'll have to do it again someday ^_~ or try something else, what do you think~? ]
Jin: [ I hope you enjoyed your breakfast~ ^_~ sorry I haven't stayed till you woke up, but had to get home for the little one <3
That, and I'm still sore, bastard ;P <3 ]
[[ ooc: Sarah, he woke up at 7am, prepared healthy breakfast (with a note: "Big boys need to eat lots, enjoy. -- Mommy.") and left at 8am XD; and on Monday he a) won't show up at gym, b) will wear some sort of a shawl around his neck to cover the marks *headdesk* at lunch he'll seek out An ^_~ ]]