soo its been raining for over a week straight.
and its just gonnna keep on raining. straight thru til this weekend.
so im picking jack up at the trainstation.
hes sleeping over tonight
its our 5 month dealy.
its so werid to look back 5 months ago even six
to see where i was.
i was in such a shitty place .
and now im doing 10000 times better.
i love being home i love being in boston..with the exception of the rain.
tmr. im getting my tattoo completely finished!!!!
im really happy with how its come out so far.
the shading and all.
and im really surpised with how eager jay is to get it done.
i think hes proud of it too..he said its gonna be on the cover of his portfoilo..
so thats cool,
heres some pics.
this is the shading.
this is a two days after the outline was done
im just a little weary of how hes gonna color the burst in the heart..
the key hole is suppose be yellow..then its gonna fade out to orange then into the red heart.
but i dont knwo why he outlined the burst..meh.
whatever hes the pro i guess.
wells see tommorow how it came out.
and i love how that whole tattoo only cost me 150.
thats like a at least a 500 dollar tattoo i know acuse i went to places to price it out
its good to have a tattooist in the family.
im not all about updating lately.
its kinda seems pointless.
the people who matter most to life..
know everything there is to know about whats going on.
and the people who dont know anythign..well obviously dont matter.
but anyways.
im really happy with life.
and when i start school oct ill be even happier.
i got an amazing boyfriend who does all the cute and stupid gestures that
come with being in love.
and im really happy..honestly truely happy with him
hes the best thign to ever happen to my life
seriously if i look back 6 months ago.
my life was sooo stupid and i hated it
i hated florida the moment i got there.
and i was stupid for going there.
and look where i am now.
i have the best job.
the best boyfriend.
amazing friends.
there are always good shows to go to.
and i dont have to worry about not being able to get there.
i have the cutest niece in the world
so yeah.
what can i complain about.