May 27, 2010 21:10
- 21:43 i am the Ken Jennings of NES Jeopardy Junior Edition #
- 22:05 RT @IPSKris: PricelessRT @SarahKSilverman: If I could ask god one question I'd ask why penises have farmers' tans #
- 22:06 this song sucked when U2 sang it #
- 22:44 I've listened to nothing but American Trash for the last day and a half. I think i need an intervention #
- 22:45 Or at maybe just for Money Makes the World Go Round to come out like tomorrow. #
- 23:11 @ THETOMMYDREAMER i think the chain of command puts Simon as the next American Idol, then Clay Aiken, then Crystal Bowersox #
- 23:33 wow, totally just ripped out a microscopic hangnail with tweezers... who knew the tiniest things could cause so much pain #
- 00:26 @ TacoBell bacon cheeseburger burrito or blt soft taco #
- 16:32 RT @IPSJared: AMERICAN TRASH Single out now! Retweeeet - #
- 21:07 @ goorgoahead at least you get to find crap you thought you lost! #
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