Apr 05, 2005 19:27
All is well in the world of me.
That is, if I exclude our lying landlord, no electricity/heat/hot water having house, our stressful hunt to find a new place before the eviction kicks in, being robbed at the 7-11 payphones (losing all forms of identification in the process), having to get an SS card to get an ID..being told I need an ID to get an SS card, as well as a few other problems.
All in the span of 4 months <33333
In other news, I got my hair cut and dyed a redish/purplish/auburn type colour that I'm terribly pleased with. Pictures will happen when I'm able to boot up my own computer when we move.
As it is, I'm at Tim's friends house. I was able to take a hot shower here and that pleased me as well.
I'm in need of a cigarette and I'm unable to smoke in this house.
I do read my friends list, but I lack the time to respond because of the aforementioned reasons.
I'll catch up sometime.