I'm on a total Claude Monet binge lately. His paintings are just so vibrant. My favorite part is when you get real close and just study the brush strokes. And then you back up and you take in the whole picture. I'm mostly into his water lily paintings. Or just the painting of nature. Not so much on people. I wish I could see the world the way he saw it. If there's anything left to see.
Take this painting for example:
http://www.siggraph.org/publications/newsletter/v33n1/contributions/images/Seims1.jpg Yea they're just trees but the way he captures them in the most surreal colors...it's moving really. Maybe I'm just too overdramatic...
Still having trouble on the friends front. Not that any of you knew I was having trouble in the first place. But when two friends are one way, and I'm not, it makes me feel like...jeeze, i dunno. Like I'm not part of them because I'm not that way and I just wouldnt understand. They have this huge thing in common and I'm just the odd duck. This is really the first time I've mentioned this to anyone. Mainly because I don't want people feeling sorry for me. Mainly those two. I just had to put it out there because it's really bothering me. Sounds a bit silly out loud...
So we're rehearsing for the holiday show after school today. I'm a bit excited. I've had many people tell they will stand and scream my name. And I know they will. It's good knowing that I'm well liked.