I've spent the majority of today being alternately bored and a bored sort of horrified. I would go into more details but I'm afraid even I'm badporned out for the day. This is my life as a working adult, folks.
On the upside, the
Chaka concert is on Tuesday, although the venue was changed to Fine Line. Does anyone know why? I'm a little bit disappointed because I was looking forward to seeing that cute bartender at Epic, but what can you do. I'm sure it'll still be a blast.
Beyond that, the only interesting thing that's happened in the last two and a half weeks is the old lady next door threatening to steal my panties if I keep hanging them out on the balcony to dry. Apparently it offends her delicate sensibilities. She's approximately 83 years old, however, and I doubt she can climb over here even if she wants to. Regardless, that shit is line dry only and fuck if I'm going to pass up the summer sunshine.