May 21, 2008 21:59
Has anyone ever noticed that the majority of gay male erotica is written in first person? I don't know if the intent is to create a sense of intimacy or if the writers just aren't competent enough to write any other way (come on, admit it - pretty much anyone with any sort of literary ambitions started with first person - I did it at fifteen and you did too), but I'm leaning toward the latter.
I find it jarring, personally, because it's never natural - the level of description, however crude, necessary for erotica doesn't really lend itself to first person observation. No one but a complete narcissist thinks in explicit and highly laudatory physical descriptions of himself. And if you're doing it right, you should probably be too busy appreciating how your partner looks to think about it too much.
While I'm on the topic of things I've noticed at work, what is with the increasingly ridiculous terminology for male anatomy? Does anyone actually refer to his penis as his 'fuck stick' or his rectum as his 'love channel?' (NB: If you do? Please die, and quickly.) While I personally disagree, I understand the feeling that 'penis' might be considered too clinical and words like 'member' or 'sex' are generally too romance novel-y, but whatever happened to good old 'cock?'
The stated purpose of erotica is obviously to arouse, but sometimes I'm left wondering if these writers have a secret ambition to be comedians or something.
work related bitchery