Soooo not stolen from Dexter (bloodspecialist)

Jul 07, 2009 20:01

Insert your name and "likes to" (all in quotes, e.g. "[INSERT FIRST NAME] likes to") in a search engine and post the first ten to pop up:

1. Sherry likes to fuck with nature.
2. Sherry likes to look at. ...
3. We note Sherry likes to laugh out loud a lot!!!
4. In her spare time, Sherry likes to read, forage for mushrooms, canoe and hike.
5. ... Sherry likes to go on road trips.
6. Sherry likes to play the banjo and collects tacky antiques, such a lamp of 2 frogs kissing
7. sherry likes to take pictures...
8. sherry likes to play these games. ...
9. Sherry likes to think that when people look at her work they will know that she loves nature and quiet places.
10. Sherry likes to stay safe when she rides her bike.

Whoah wha the.... EXCUSE ME!

Scratch out with put in!  Reminds me... I should see if Red wants to go camping...
Banjo?  What the hell.... I think they have me confused with someone.
these games with cuffs..
Oh please.... Last time I rode my bike I forgot a helmet and went 180 on the freeway.

what: memes and crack

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