(c) Well, hello everybody! As you all probably know already, it's the 29th of August. It's two weeks past the reveals date we'd decided on before, but as we mentioned on Twitter - there had been some problems with submissions, and we hadn't gotten enough to continue postings for a while. Here we are now, though, with a total of 275,793 words written from participants and pinch-hitters alike, amounting to 34 shiny new BaeKai fics!
The idea that started out tentatively, mulled around with a maybe-I'll-go-through-with-it-maybe-not attitude - with a push from
insuhouciance - and officially joined EXO's Exchange Republic (kkk~) on February 20th this year, has finally finished its first ever round! We couldn't have made it without you all; the participants, the pinch-hitter list, the readers, the support group of friends.
But now, it's time to wrap up T__T It's just been such a great ride with you all, we don't want to end this post! But hopefully next year, if anybody's still interested and BaeKai continue their ~secret, passionate romance~, we will have another round! c:
We'd like to thank all the participants, doggedly sending in their submissions and trusting us with their worries and queries. T u T We'd like to thank the pinch-hitters who came in heroically to save the Mods' sorry butts--
smallorbits and
doeiros. This exchange wouldn't have been the same without you all.
We're especially grateful to
apeeling, and
smallorbits for offering to pinch-hit even though they weren't initially part of the exchange.
And, of course, to the readers! All you guys who were so excited and cheering for the exchange during sign-ups, after sign-ups, during submissions and pinch-hit requests and delays - your support is the bomb. YOU GUYS ARE THE BOMB.
Notes from mods:
Mod H
I'm very sorry to see this kaibaek exchange come to an end. Though I only joined as a mod near the tail end, I was still able to read all of the amazing fics and be part of the fun (albeit a tad stressful) mod responsibilities. The amount of pinch-hitters who came through for the exchange is absolutely fantastic, and deserve every ounce of praise. I am honored that Mod Y chose to have me, though I'm sure she could have handled everything on her own. Her organization and problem-solving skills are awe-inspiring. But, anyway, thanks to everyone in the exchange, this has been absolutely fantastic, and I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have!
-Mod H
Mod Y
As mentioned above,
insuhouciance, whose advice I took quite a few times.
perfectiontales for giving me advice, too. Mod H with her constant support and updates (don't listen to her, she was indispensable and without her this exchange would have been a disaster),
teastallpanda with her organizational help and motivation that gave us foundation, the html feedback from
ixxxrene, and last but certainly not least!-- the hand-holding, from the very beginning of this exchange, of kind twitter user
I want to thank all of the participants individually for working so hard on their fics, even though a lot of you were in tight fixes during the last few days because of summer schedules and some of you falling sick and all sorts of unpleasantries. You guys are amazing. And I'm really happy that a few of you talked to me and trusted me like a friend -- I'm definitely keeping in touch with you guys c: CHINGUS. I want to thank the pinch-hitters, for not only delivering at break-neck speed, but also delivering so well. I just. EVERYONE IS AMAZING. This has been one intense spiritual experience. I am dazed.
Also, the readers! The comments! We received over a hundred comments, and this made me so happy. T u T ENJOYMENT ALL AROUND, YES? YES.
On a more serious note, I deeply apologize for the delay we went through. I realize that maybe if I'd been a little stricter, we'd have gotten submissions on time. And that I should have also emailed everyone the full details about the delay, instead
of just tweeting. That was very irresponsible of me, and if I run the next round, I will make sure to keep everyone up-to-date with any and all of our changes.
I regret having to have made everyone wait so long for reveals - for the recipients, who want to talk to their authors, and for the authors, who want to share what they've written. I hope I can be forgiven. ;____;
Best of luck to everybody,
Mod Y.
All too well for
gdgdbaby, by
chansoosPG | 8372 words | no warnings
Jongin is Baekhyun’s bodyguard, but he’s also his driver, butler and the most important, his friend (or maybe more).
can your hear the sound of my heart for
crecentpages, by
deadheartbeatsPG-13 | 8600 words | no warnings
Jongin has never really been much of a cat person.
Chiaroscuro for
appletease, by
bluedreamingR/M | 11565 words | presence of a minor, age-gap, history/mentions of abuse/sexual abuse, very disturbing imagery, unintentional self-harm, mental illness, eating disorder themes, non-explicit noncon, mention of medications, descriptions of violence, non-major character deaths, cannibalism themes
Jongin and Baekhyun meet on the subway/in dreams/on canvas.
take care for
jojibear, by
parkbyunPG | 2814 words | heavy fluff
Jongin injured his back…again.
Entropy for
haleycp, by
rainbolicious89NC-17 | 10457 words | bottom!Jongin, unprotected sex, dumb college stuff, overpriced coffee, mentions of Chemistry
"The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of an isolated system never decreases, because isolated systems always evolve toward thermodynamic equilibrium, a state with maximum entropy." Jongin still had no idea what the hell that meant, but he could safely assume that love, life, and isolated systems, worked in the same way.
incipient for
luhands, by
minwhorePG-13 | ~26500 words | HFN ending, quick and slopping editing, beware the plot twist
Baekhyun finds himself loaded with a new roommate when his sister brings Kim Jongin home one day.
(i just wanna say) you're mine for everyone, by
spatkisaR | 8864 words | no warnings
Baekhyun can honestly say that "getting laid" and "being horribly possessive of his best friend" are two problems he didn't really think he'd ever have.
seasons in the sun for
hoen, by
doeirosNC-17 | 4262 words | hints of depression
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun. But the shores that we walked were just seasons out of time.
to where you are for
luhanacy, by
fallaciesoffatePG-13 | 20299 words | allusions to suicide, allusions to character death, supernatural shit, requires suspension of beliefs
Lonely Jongin seeks solace in the astral world where he meets Baekhyun, who soon steals his heart. But also something else.
'cause you make my heart race for
woohyunized, by
pisaroiG | 7400 words | no warnings
Sometimes good things start with a misdial.
Maybe In The Next Universe for
xiyings by
auricsPG-13 | 10141 words | Momentary genderswitch! (Like, really minor trust me.)
Baekhyun expected a lot of things when he was dead-set on building a machine to traverse multiple universes. What he never anticipated was Kim Jongin, his harshest critic, to be there with him every step of the way.
Of Vanilla And Everything Nice for
spatkisa by
riseandrainPG-13/R | 5086 words | no warnings
Jongin's shirt is missing and the culprit is highly unlikely.
the model is a nerd for
chansoos, by
woohyunizedG / PG | 5600 words | no warnings
Just because Kim Jongin is a model doesn't mean he doesn't need to pay for college fees. Just because Byun Baekhyun is a student in college doesn't mean he can't fall in love with a model.
To My Inspiration for
arietinus, by
ubiquitousechoPG-13 | ~12,600 words | no warnings
“They say, if a writer falls in love with you, you can never die.”
That Was Then, But Then It's True for
pisaroi, by
canadaphilePG-13 | 5600 words | attempted suicide, depression/mental illness, mentioned character death
Life is not a fairy tale.
be careful what you witch for for
canadaphile, by
cocacolaPG-13 | 5103 words | language, brief mentions of sex
It’s hard, being a witch-in-training and a college student. For Baekhyun, it’s even harder being a witch-in-training and a college student with a lap full of cat kneading his paws into his crotch. (Or, Baekhyun gets absolutely no school work done and is definitely not in love with his familiar.)
why don't you stay for
xiuminseokkk, by
fridaysbluesNC-17 | 20000 words | language, sex
baekhyun's happy with his part-time job at the orphanage until he meets a mysterious dancer on the street and everything in his life changes all at once.
wicked games for
junintoiro, by
appleteaseR/NC-17 | 3105 words | super brief drug reference (pot + E), rimming
somewhere after a hookup, jongin starts to slowly realize he's sorta really liking byun baekhyun.
confidence man for
fishonthemoon, by
fashcndyPG-13 | 5552 words | fic doesn't follow a linear structure. The first and last scenes go together directly, however.
Confidence Man: A Series of Vignettes by Jongin Kim, also known as, falling in love with Baekhyun, also known as, Baekhyun cons people for a living and Jongin is okay with that.
lowlights for
riseandrain, by
flowerboysramenNC-17 | 15610 words | sex, swearing
mama powers!au; all it takes is a year and an impromptu summer trip for baekhyun to figure out that he's crazy about him.
we have arrived too late to play the bleeding heart show for
fallaciesoffate, by
xiyingsPG-13 | 3336 words | no warnings
Love, to Baekhyun, is a soap bubble; elusive and transient, fleeting, and glittering with impossibilities, and rising higher out of his reach with every attempt at a grasp.
in my own little corner (in my own little chair) for
parkbyun, by
anita_deeNC-17 | 5149 words | underage sex, barebacking, slight dub-con, cheesey/crappy endings, barely mentioned side characters
Jongin would like to just once get through his Charms homework without ending up in the room of requirement.
lean on me for
michaelwesten, by
gdgdbabyNC-17 | 2900 words | explicit sex
finally meeting baekhyun in the flesh is good in some ways and better in others. snapshots of a "long-distance boyfriends turned cohabitants" au.
Where We Would Be Now for
doeiros, by
haleycpR | 3066 words | angst, hints of violence
Jongin’s past love comes crashing into the present.
backwater for everyone, by
chuyeolPG-13 | 4546 words | mentions of alcohol dependence, (very brief) mention of attempted suicide
backwater, (n.): an isolated, peaceful place.
all that you've waited for for
cocacola, by
michaelwestenR | 4130 words | sex, language
baekhyun keeps waiting for jongin to grow out of his crush. jongin's been waiting for baekhyun to grow into one.
In other breaking news for
fashcndy, by
apeelingPG-13 | 3367 words | swearing
Beagle Line like to steal things. That is not okay with Kim Jongin.
Higher Than the Moon for
rainbolicious89, by
junintoiroR | 7771 words | cross dressing, mentions of violence/bullying, dubcon/sexual harrassment
Jongin just wants Baekhyun to look at only him.
Once Lost in a Clockwork World for
anita_dee, by
hoenPG-13 | 19900 words | no warnings
Nobody was going to ask me about the empty, blue room, or about the window, or about the last time I heard Lee Jinwook’s “Sentimental”.
I'll forget you not for
aurics, by
doeirosR | 6201 words | minor character deaths, !!!!!!heavy gore!!!!!! (dissection of body parts)
A series of gruesome murders changes the lives of two detectives.
sing me to sleep for
deadheartbeats, by
crecentpagesPG-13 | 3279 words | no warnings
jongin’s probably the only one that has no interest in meeting his soul mate.
makes salt taste like sugar for
minwhore, by
anita_deeR | 8188 words | mentions of sex, human/alien relationships, cliches, and overall rushed writing
"Everyone is an alien somewhere, Jongin," Baekhyun says solemnly, "Here, it's you, not me." Despite that, Jongin will protect EXO88 as if it were his home.
the stars in your eyes for
flowerboysramen, by
smallorbitsPG | 3900 words | no warnings
mama powers au - baekhyun just wants to be jongin’s friend in the most non-threatening way possible. unfortunately, jongin is easily startled and can teleport.
don't mind you under my skin (i'll let the bad parts in) for
bluedreaming, by
luhanacyR/NC-17 | 2530 words | barely edited, swearing, brief allusion to breathplay, brief mention of prostitution, brief mentions of drug use, vampirism
They are the blood in each other's veins.