May 06, 2005 20:16
Today i thought something was really wrong with me, i woke up at 2pm by a call from work askin where i was cause i was supposed to work at 130....thats the 1st thing that worried me....i never sleep in that late
Then i get up outta bed and i felt rather weird, off balence something was wrong....
I got to work and i started sweating, my hands were shakin more then i have ever seen.....
I felt tired, i felt weak, i couldn't breathe normal, i couldn't get any deep breaths...
Everytime someone said i didn't look ok or asked if i felt ok i broke down and cried cause i didn't know what was wrong....
Ended up going home and crying to my dad cause i didn't know what was wrong...
He thinks its allergies, yet i dont have then, he said i could be gettin them cause he didn't have em til he was 17..
Well its been like 6 hrs i still feel funny, breathin is shallow, arms and legs feel heavy, im off balence...
I don't know whats wrong and it scares me, ive never felt like this....