Oct 20, 2004 20:06
Okay, so here it is finally. I GIVE UP!!!! I give in. I don't want to be part of this crap anymore. I am so over all of this. I hate this so so so much. There is so much JUNK going on and all of it is JHBS. That's exactly it. JHBS. I'm going to state my thoughts and leave, be gone with, no worries.
1.) Journals-good things. I enjoy having mine so I can keep in touch with all of my friends who I can't talk to everyday. The things is, when things are in writing people can take things so completely the wrong way. Like tone. Or meaning even. Be careful what you say...and even more so...be careful what you read. It frustrates me so much to see people get upset with somebody and in a subtle way put it on their journal to be all like "HA!" The thing with that is, everyone has a friend that they explain the things that go on in their journal to most likely right? Well, if you, in a subtle way, start making comments like that, isn't it sorta like laughing in the person who your making that comments to's face? Or not really face...back? Things like that don't need to be going on. When you have something you are afraid you could be taking the wrong way, go to that person, ask for a clearing up. When you react to it on your own journal within a group of friends who all read the same ones, they are all going to know what or to who you are referring to, and this will do nothing more than create drama. And honestly, there is no need for it. I feel like there has been a time warp back to 8th grade. Like the shirt says, save the drama for your momma, or better yet, just get rid of the drama. I understand that journals are for expressing your thoughts and opinions. They aren't there to supress you, they are there to get things out. But what good is it expressing those thoughts and opinions when the things you are saying are effecting others in a bad way? If you look down underneath the options menu when you are making an entry, there is this thing called security. You can make things private, friends only, or even customize to make things go to a certain group. Take advantage of that.
2.)If you have something that needs to be adressed, go to that person. The bible tells you that when you have a problem, you go to that person, not talk to other people. If you go and talk to them (in love) and they don't understand or whatever, take another objective person (in love) and try again. I don't see that happening. I see things being left stagnant, and bad. Why wait for the other person to be the intiaitor? If you hold out longest your strongest? It doesn't work that way folks. Trust me, I've tried and tried again, but it's not working. Maybe God's saying right now's not the time, but when he lays something upon your heart, who are you to ignore it?
3.) Change is a constant. Things will happen for the good and they will happen for the bad. Like Mike said at phos/ontos...without change, you'd be dead. Don't slam your door in change's face. Try things out and see how they fit. Now don't get me wrong...I'm not telling you to go out and do something you've never done before like drugs, no, go with God. Just because something's a little bit differet doesn't mean that things are going to suck now, or ever. Change is inevitable. Just make sure if it's you and not your surroundings changing, you watch that your changes are Godly, and not worldly.
4.) Gossip is a big thing these days. Stop and think, do you gossip? Now don't push me off with..."whatever" or whatever...really think...do YOU gossip? Now think of this...do you know someone who does...because if they gossip TO you...they will gossip ABOUT you!
5.) Friends. Friends are priceless people, and just because of something silly you should let that ruin things. Don't let silly stuff kill a friendship. Enough said
6.) The truth. Good thing eh? Definately. A true friend tells you the truth. So when somebody comes to you and tells you you have been acting a certain way, why would you shrug that off. They are trying to help you. They are trying to help you correct things so that you can be better. They don't tell you the truth about yourself to bring you down. (Unless they do, and that just bites and shouldn't happen) Listen to them. Don't shrug them off and never give what they say a second thought. Apply it to your life.
7.) Go where you grow. Don't be afraid to walk away from something when you have gotten to the point that it is doing nothing for you. What use is it to you to go somewhere where you don't learn. You socialize? That's it.
8.) Lastly, Just because someone isn't at church doesn't mean they've lost faith or slipped from God. Until you know that is what is happening, don't treat them like that. So I'm not at Southside like I used to be, doesn't mean I'm not learning or anything. It just so happens that I've left the youth group. I've talked to Mrs. Wilson, she knows why, I know why, God knows why, and that's how it should be. I'll be there for bible study on Tuesday to clear some things up, but that doesn't mean I'm not still learning. I have constantly been in Gods word and doing a nice 12 week devotional as well. I'm not sliding. I've found a place that I'm greatly considering for my new youth group. When you don't see somewhere around don't assume that they are slipping. How would you appreciate it if someone came up to you are started talking to you like you have been slipping and are losing God? Not too great right? Right. Be careful.
Okay, so here's the deal. I started writing this to myself. In fact all of this is aimed to myself and not to anyone in particular. But when I went back and re-read what I wrote, I felt like maybe it was something that maybe I should share with others. I'm not saying that this applies personally to you and like I said, I didn't write this with the intention of aiming it to anyone. I was mad and started writing stuff I felt I should remind myself. I know that this is public, and it's something I'll probably refer to just because sometimes I forget. I didn't set out with the intention to hurt anyone. I'm sorry if I did. If you would like to talk to me about something you feel is directed to you or whatnot, let me know. Email me @ perfectcomfort226@yahoo.com I'll gladly discuss it with you. I hope that you had a wonderful day and I hope that maybe something in here convicted you the way it has convicted me.
"After a while, you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul, And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning and company doesn't mean security. And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises, And you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes open, with the grace of an adult, not the grief of a child. And you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans. After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much. So plan your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. And you learn that you really can endure... That you really are strong. And that you really do have worth."
-Veronica A. Shoffehall