So, as I was saying before I rudely interrupted myself (by, you know...not typing and all), after frolicking down on Mibaru Beach I met up with a small handful of co-workers over in, you guessed it, MATSUYAMA, for a re-do of my birthday party from a few nights ago (Holy Run-On Sentence, Batman!). For a place teeming with shady characters and unsavory ladies of the evening, we actually wound up going to a place that in comparison was a little "normal": Shidax. I say a little normal because it's still in Matsuyama so of course its huge, overly-expensive, and full of frou frou hair cut dudes. I got my drink on naturally and in no time flat was drunk as a mothafucka. So drunk that I was singing songs while falling in and out of sleep. Still, I somehow managed to make it back home in one piece with a wicked little hangover in the morning for my troubles. Coulda been worse though. I coulda tossed all kinds of nasty, stomach flavored cookies all over the floor like
the last time I had six beers on an almost empty stomach.