グループは重要である (Family Matters)

Jun 17, 2013 13:00

I spent Saturday with the ballerific side of my family. You know, the people who push Beemers and Lexus', talk smack about children, and eat only the stinkiest of cheeses. I kid. Kind of.

I met up with one of my uncles, Richard, and my cousin, Zann, at their crib in Silver Spring so we could drive all the way out to bumblefuck for my other cousin, Ryan's, graduation party. He and his family live all the way out in Centreville across the Bay Bridge, 60 miles outside of DC. In the middle of a hay field. It's like the Gushikami of Maryland.

The cool thing about living out here, though, is that it's spacious. The air is clean. It's quiet. Water is nearby, as are beaches. It's everything I loved about living in Yonabaru, except the nearest city is a bazillion miles away and there aren't any old lady snack bars to frequent.


All that's missing is the white picket fence.

My next house will totally have one of these.

Until next time, ballerific family. Maybe I'll move out to bumblefuck with you one day.

parties, family, maryland, graduation, party

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