I think that certain industries in Japan are in cahoots with each other to sell you shit that you don't really need. In my office building there are nice ass bathrooms with space age toilets that play music when you take a loud shit, wash your butt afterward, and flush themselves to boot. There are faucets with self dispensing soap and sensor controled water. Sounds real nice, don't it? A bathroom fit for a King! you say. But...this bathroom is missing one very important thing: a way to dry your damn hands! What the hell? And it's not the only bathroom I've ever been in that's been lacking in the hand drying department. A metric ton of Japanese public restrooms seem to be devoid of paper, or air blasters, or whatever you usually use to get soapy water off yourself. You want to know why? Of course you do, this is hard hitting journalism! So I was "reading" this thing about Japan called a "book", and the first thing I came across was a story about washcloths. Totally innocuous stuff. Then it hit me like a sock full of nickels. Ah ha! Why are there so many damn elaborate washcloths taking up shelf space at your friendly neighborhood Jusco? Because you're supposed to carry them with you and use them to dry your hands after using the bathroom! As my dad would so eloquently put it *cue Southern twang*, "That's some ole bullshit!" I can sort of understand BYOB, but BYOT? Only to the beach, my friends. Oh Japan...someone out there will probably claim this is just another step in trying to save the environment, but I know better. The reality is it's just another step in trying to bombard people with Stitch hand towels that they'll inevitably leave at home when they need it most.