worked in an eikaiwa. and i'm not actually sure if part time work will affect my visa. i already have the visa and its valid for another two years...a lot of non alt teachers here work multiple part time jobs to make ends meet if they're not able to get one full time gig.
I'm not too familiar with visa issues. As long as nobody checks on you you'll be fine either way, but maybe you want to make sure somehow :) Hope you can earn enough money to make a living on a part-time job?! :)
ooooooo i have soooo many questions. whats it like being an eikaiwa teacher on mainland? do you work with a big company or a smaller place? what are your hours like? like i said, i have a zillion questions. i've always wondered how it is teaching at an eikaiwa that's not in okinawa.
*lol* I doubt it's any different from Okinawa! Don't know for sure, of course. I work in a small place. I work 8h from afternoon to night. Is it any different in Okinawa?!
do you work at the same place all the time or do you have to go around to different places to teach? it is the same in okinawa haha, but i wish it wasnt. the hours arent bad if you're single i think but it is hard to have a family working those kind of hours
Won't part-time work cause trouble with your visa?!
Sorry, just wondering! :)
Hope you can earn enough money to make a living on a part-time job?! :)
I work in a small place. I work 8h from afternoon to night.
Is it any different in Okinawa?!
This might vary from company to company, but I work on all national holidays as well.
Yeah, I guess. I'm lucky(?!) enough to be single so for me those hours are really nice (most of the time). Hehe.
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