If you're late to the pants party you might not be aware that, in addition to spinning hilarious/heartfelt tales about life in Japan here in this blog, I also write about gadgets and technology geared toward women on the go at
M.I.S.S.. My column, M.I.S.S. Techcessories, can be seen over there every Tuesday and Friday and, wouldn't you know it, today just so happens to be a Friday. Not only that, this particular Friday I was chosen as one of M.I.S.S.' gold star interns, so there's
an interview with me up on the site with a choice picture of my amaaazing blogging space (the living room). Stop reading now if you haven't already and get yo ass over yonder post haste!
As a side note, here's my
first ever post I wrote for M.I.S.S. Damn, has it been a year already?