Oct 07, 2006 15:23
Yesterday me and john went to watford general hospital to see sam. on the bus we met sams mum and she updated me on what excatly happened. sam was on her way home from work when she got off the bus. she was hit by a black car that came out of nowhere and went up onto the bonet and was thrown some feet. the driver sped of this was a hit and run. she broke both her shoulders and her pelvis and banged her head too. well we went to see her and she looked pale but smiled when we said hi. she could only manage to eat 2 pieces of a sandwich and drink some milk and water. she has her arms strapped by her sides as not to move them after her operations in which they bolted and used metal plates on her shoulders to put them back into place, she also had a cafater bag (to do her toilets usage in) and also she was on morphine she was in agony as you could tell when she was joting from time to time. she said she was very uncomfortable and in pain she had constant headache since the accident and she looked very distant (from the drugs she is being given i guess). but thank god she is alive and getting better. love you sam xx
nice to see you sam x