baby i don't wanna give you up

May 15, 2005 23:58

i pretty much decided on my own that i was staying in the back room all day today at work. i was there open to close, and pretty much was having the worst day ever. bad mornings just ruin everything. it started well enough, i actually got up an hour before i had to, but i didn't realize it until i got out of bed and went into the bathroom to start getting ready. then i looked at the clock, put down the comb, and went back to bed. oh wait, i forgot. as i flicked on the light and looked down, i noticed that the self-tanner i put on my arms the night before had darkened about 7 shades from when i last saw it, and there were lovely spots all over me. yeh, i guess it wasn't done developing (even though it says it only takes 5 minutes, fuckers!!!!!!) when i laid down, even though that was 3 hours after i applied while i slept, it continued to develop but i guess only on the exposed parts of my arm? and since i sleep on my side and one arm is under my pillow, the whole inside of my left elbow just looked totally deformed. i just felt like a leopard. so THEN i crawled back in bed.
i had a bad dream about being at work and not remembering how to ring people up. then i woke up and decided my arms looked worse then they did before, so i was definitely wearing a long sleeve shirt. except i didn't have any. and my store sits one level above Hell so it's frickin hot in there. i found a 3/4 length sleeve shirt, threw it on, but since i lost weight it looked like i was wearing a tent and i decided spotty arms are better than a tent body, so i wore a short sleeve dress shirt. as i put it on, i thought that since Teresa wasn't working, there was no real reason to get so dressed up, and if i had more time i could go more casual, but oh well. as soon as i get to work, Hope is like, "Leigh, it's only me, you didn't have to dress up, i don't care!" yeh, see?
so i'm in a bad mood from the get go, and there's this new girl there who can not stop talking no matter what i do to try to get her to. you'd think ignoring someone would do something, but no. so i'm standing there reading something on the bulletin board and she purposely rams into me and is all "excuse me!!!!! HEE HEE HEE HEE!" and i ignore her and don't even move and just continue reading. then she's all in my business, "what's wrong? why are you not happy? what is bothering you?" and i mumble "bad day" and walk away. then later in the back room, "what's wrong!?!?!" i say "nothing", and she asks if i'm lying to her. i say "yes", and walk way. i'm so pleasant, i know. but seriously, do i even know you? no. so why am i going to talk to you about what's wrong? but nevertheless she goes on and on about trying out for Making the Band and what not. i ask you, DO. I. CARE? i tell you, NO. I. DO. NOT. then i realized i forgot my phone at home and didn't bring anything to read during my break. and we have nothing to read in the break room except for expired coupons and ketchup packets and YES I READ THEM. i was bored.
but anyway, before the store opens i tell Hope that i'm surprised she hasn't ripped all the boxes in the back open yet to see what new items we have because today was the last day for our extra discount. and she's like, "why, do you want to?" and i said, "hell yes" and that's what i did until the store closed. well, opened, organized, created a total mess, then cleaned, swept, you could pretty much eat off the floor when i was done. and even though i did a bomb-ass job, i just have a feeling Teresa's gonna come in tomorrow morning and be all "WHY WAS LEIGH BACK HERE DOING THIS? IT WAS A SUNDAY, WHAT ABOUT CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" bah.
so i was supposed to work tomorrow from 2p-6p, which is the most ridiculous schedule of all time, but i decided that i didn't want to, so i got Maria to cover for me. i was already off on Tuesday and Wednesday, so this is a nice little 3 day break for me. well, except for Tuesday when i have to go to the dentist because we all know how much i hate that. but other than that, things should be good. and i might even see Ben!


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