(no subject)

Jun 27, 2005 15:13

so i was cleaning my room and i came across something VERY amusing. i wrote this poem about someone last summer and i think its funny....esp. under certain circumstances.

My Rescue*
as one goes away i seem to be bitter
eyes puffy from crying
heart broken in two
outside i watch the world
you peer through your window

music playing and nerves tighten
a slow start turns into two hours
my mind fluttered back
the endless jokes and countless smiles

the butterflies gave way
and we talked about our troubles
my feelings for you captivated me
we loved the same things
music, hanging out, sports
a perfect guy for me

out talk made me let go
of something that once was
you rescued me from
my non-worthy feelings
this friendly conversation
meant so much to me
this may be a new start
to an already close relationship

haha, how dorky am i? i wrote that at work after a rough breakup last summer. the weird thing is, no everyone likes this person all of a sudden lol. was i the only one last year??? hehe well as for an update...
---carnival with antonio and mike monico on sat. it was fun, i mean there were millions of little kids and for the first time i felt old. ate fried dough. didnt go on any rides. the highlight of my night was antonio dropping his sno-cone in an attempt win an arguement. well he lost two things. haha.walked back and chilled on mikes lawn for a lil while. talked and then went to antonios. saw things i NEVER wanted to see hehe. went back to my house. got upset, cried and no more details lol. watched assault on precint 13, well i fell asleep. he left at like 12:45, and i went to bed.

today i woke up wayyyy too early for work. was there at 9. lou blocked me in so i couldnt park, it was funny. gave him the finger. wow hes so cool. hehe. worked in the back for like 2 and a half hours. yuck. bad mouthed people with melinda for a VERY long time. i love that girl hehe!! ok i love work. is filing ever this exciting? nope.

as for tonight, im watching the notebook. first time ever. i know im behind but better late then never( eww flash back to spanish !!! done with that )

ok time for swimming yay!!!!!!!!!
xOo stac
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