Jul 16, 2005 11:16
Hello everyone! =]
I'm a big happy camper this morning. It's another anniversary with Oscar =]. I'm so glad things are better than ever with him. No more drama, fuck all the haters, and we're inlove. Nothing can ever break us apart. And let me tell you, people have tried before. But if it didn't before ... even less now! We both think a year and 5 months is nothing comparing to how long we plan to be together =].
I don't work today so I have some plans in mind and I'm excited =]
This week has been alright. It's been the usual. Practice every morning. Latin America breakfast with the team everyday after practice. Work. And chill with Oscar at night. Good routine huh? lol
I changed my MySpace layout. I love it!
Yesturday I didn't do much. I had night shift at Bakers with Mikey. So I worked like crazy. I went to Taco Bell after and then came home. I was tired as fuck. Anyways I'm dieing to see Charlie and The Chocalte Factory! I <33 Johnny Depp! =]
Well that's good enough for today. I'm happy. I hope everyone is having a good one too. xoxo