Okay so my weekend went as I expected. Awesome!!
Friday night just went shopping, then hanged out with my lovely neighbor Ana and got things ready for my Senior Pictures.
Saturday was just the craziest day ever! It was ssoo much fun! In the morning, I went with my mommy to pick up Oscar and headed to McDonalds and ate breakfast. Then we went to Westland Mall, did my make-up at MAC, did some shopping, then headed to the studio. I hope the pictures came out nice, I can't wait to get the previews! After the pictures we went to eat at Chillis, then dropped off Oscar at his house and said hi to his family =]
Once I got home Amy picked me up. Went to her house, just chilled and talk shit. Later at night we got ready for whatever we were going to do that night. Babe and Clipz picked us up. We went to the ghetty for a while, then stopped by to like 3 other parties. Fun times, crazy momment to remember! And that's al I'm going to say lol
Clipz dropped us off at Amy around 4am. Babe slept over as well. We stood up talking and laughing a little more til we knocked out. I love my babe. Then next morning Oscar was still sleeping so Amy and I decided to tan ;] I went home in the afternoon and knocked out again. I was ssoo tired from the night before. I woke up around 8 at night. Got dressed and left with Sasha's family to go pick up Sasha at the airport! She was back from Panama after 3 weeks! We went to her house after, ate, hang out, listen to her crazy stories, just chilled and got home like at 2.
Monday .. Happy 4th of July! I woke up sick as hell =/ So all morning I was home laying in bed. Babe told me to get out of bed and at least breath air outside lol. So we went to the beach for a lil bit then we went back to his house. Too bad it was a beautiful sunny day! My mom picked me up at night and just chilled. My dad got back from Canada so I was happy to see him home again.
Today .. woke up still sick, but better than yesturday. So that's about it for now ... I have a few pictures, not that many but w.e. I got a new layout, it's simple but cute <33

Sunglasses Rock <33

On our way to the Studio.

@ Chillis ... yummy!

Amy and I =]

CC PIMPZ <33 lol

Mii Chocolate!! I <33 you.

Sasha's back!! Yay!! =]
That's all for now .. I hope everyone is enjoyin thier summer! xoxo