This past weekend was just perfect .. there was no boring second at all. I had something to do all the time =]
Even though on Friday it was pretty chilling. I went shopping like crazy after work! I got new outfits, like clothes, jewlery, and shoes mostly for my senior pictures this Saturday =] I pretty much did that all night and went out to eat with my sweet mommy. I just gotta love that lady lol.
Then on Saturday during the day babe came to my house. Later Katryna + her mommy came to pick us up to go company her to take her senior pictures. OMG .. I think she came out b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l !! We had a good time. I love Katry. And man her mom was just too funny and a trip with the photographer lol =] After the pictures we went out to eat at Taco Bell and just hang out. We dropped off babe at his house and said hi to the family =]. Man I finally got to see Hazel! I was sssooo happy to see her =D And well Katry end up dropping me off back home.
Once I got home my other darling Crystal called to chill. So as we thought of what to do for the night my chocalate Amy called me to chill too. And we all decided to have a girls night out =] We were just gonna go catch a movie or something but they felt like going dancing, and they didn't want to go somewhere far so we just headed to Salsa Lovers. Too bad I think that was the best Salsa Lover party there. I had a good time just chilling with two of my best girls =] I <33 Amy and Crystal. And I saw a few other faces at the party too. Babe was gonna go but he went go watch the boxing fight with Johnny since it was his last night in Miami.
We left the party late. Amy slept over my house and we knocked out.
When we woke up the next day Amy dyed my hair. I dyed it darker for my pictures once again lol. And we chilled til Oscar came. He picked us up and we headed to Amy's new efficency. It's sssoo cute and cozzy! I love it. We hanged out and watched the best movie man ... HITCH!! I freaking love Will Smith! That guy is THE MAN. Anyways, Oscar and I left and went out to eat and then I went home.
I love my girls <3333 ( Katry, Hazel, Amy, Crystal .... )
And of course I love Oscar too. He's too funny. I went to practice this morning and when I got home, he was sleeping in my room. Yeah nice surprise huh? lol I asked him why was he here since he had school like in 2 hours but he said he wanted to chill with me before he went. He's too cute and I love him <33
Anyways I'm tired and I just came from my neighbors house .. plus I'm getting a little hungry so enjoy a few picture from this weekend =]
Babe and Katry at the Studio =]
Me with my lovely Nana and babe <33
Another picture of us to add to our collection <333
Mii Nana <33
Mee =]
My Sexy Girlies .. Crystal and Amy <33
Crystal and I
CC Pimpz! lol
I found my Skittle Lizzy!! It was a long time since I had seen this girl ... I love you crazy Lizzaayy ;]
Lizzy FINALLY found her phone! Omg we went crazy forever looking for it and we found it in Crystal's purse! lol It was too funny ...
It's the after pic .. and of course Amy just has to make faces lol ..
This is it for now ... Goodnight <33