Feb 13, 2007 14:00
So, for awhile I was using this affirmation for my Hubby: Hubby is happy to have a job that is emotionally and financially rewarding, fun, inspiring and helpful to others in the community. And if it sounds familiar, it should, I took it straight from one of the pages of Journalution and just changed the name at the beginning. So anyway...
I've been using it as often as I can since just before Wy was born and it manifested last Monday in a way I never knew about but Hubby did... Chief helped arrange for Hubby to be a sub-contractor for the Village at $18/hour 2-3 days of the week. He'll be working at the PD from what I understand helping work on the squad cars. Hubby knew that this position was a possibility, but I did not... so needless to say I am pleased.
We don't have a start date for him yet, but I know he'll be starting soon... and we are also waiting to hear back from another application he put in to work for the dispatching company our Department uses... we should be hearing from them soon because they were highly impressed with Hubby... so I will continue to use the affirmation above till we do hear from them... If you can also use it on his behalf I would appreciate the extra boost!! :-) Thanks Girls :-)
So, there's my first manifestation of 2007 and let me tell you... it feels good to see Hubby getting what he deserves... It'll be interesting when I manifest my next job as soon as I'm cleared to work again... I'll be using the same affirmation for myself too...
So what about you girls?? Have you done anything yet?? Do you have an affirmation for me to use on your behalf?? Just let me know and I'll be happy to help... that was the idea of Heaven In 2007!!
Love you girls!!!!
heaven in 2007,