Title: The Lone Samurai
Godmother: [Magic Lamp]
chibikaoruchanFairy Tale: The Little Match Girl
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Tezuka/Fuji, slight Oshitari/Atobe, with little appearances of other characters.
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Lots of angst. Character’s death(s). Little bits of tragedy and violence in the prologue, but it shouldn’t be too
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First, I really enjoyed the atomosphere of the piece. I think I already told you, but the fact that there was only a dash of melancholoy instead of a downpour of melodrama made it that much more enjoyable; it made it much easier to get into the story and my emotions were taken for a ride, instead of for a beating! Alsoyour descriptions of everything were wonderful. The vivid hues you used to colour the surroundings (e.g. goldden leaves and red droplets of blood etc) just brought everything to life! It was actually very beautifully descirbed.
In terms of the characters, Tezuka and Fuji were great! I think you've got them spot on. Tezuka's still reserved and regal but not emotionless. Fuji, even through all his pain, is still quirky and mysterious and just so darn lovable and charasmatic. I love the yuuta side story (because yuuta is one of my favorites, and the whole yuuta/fuji brother conflict is one of the reason why I love fuji so much!) even though it totally broke my heart that he had to die! There were also other great characters that you've included. Yuushi and Atobe were both awesome as the egocentric, somewhat sarcastic, but nevertheless true and caring friends of Tezuka. The hints of OshiAto was cute too. Sanada's relationship with Yukimura (however briefly it was depicted) was also awesome. I still can't get the image of Tezuka watching Yukimura's spirit embrass Sanada's back as Sanada walked away from Yukimura's grave out of my mind...that was such a poignant scene and it's such a stark contrast to Tezuka inability to let fuji go and move on.
Finally the ending was long foreshadowed but I was glad with how it ended and when it finally came. Tezuka was reunited with Fuji and he was finally at peace. So even though one of my squeaks are character death, this was actually a happy type of character death, so all was right in the world again XD I don't know what else to add to my comment except the obvious, which is I really LOVED this piece. And what I said in the email still holds, this is possibly my favorite of your pieces! So keep up the wonderful tezufuji writing, because I can't wait to see what you'll write next <33333333333333
thanks so much for reviewing, and whoaaa, I'm speechless reading your review! *___*
First of all, thanks so much for beta-ing this fic, even though character's death is ur squeak, and this fic has a lot of it xD;;
I really am grateful for ur help! *hugs*
Thanks for leaving me a detailed review too! I'm happy u pointed the things worked for u, and am glad u enjoyed this so much, coz I enjoyed writing it and am satisfied with the outcome. this fic was a headache, so reviews like this rly makes me happy <3
I dunno what else I should say, just thanks! and I will try to keep up my future fics too! pls look forward to them ne :D
P.S. After writing this, my plotbunnies died for quite some time and they weren't rly cooperative when I really should write Tezuka's b'day fic yesterday that it resulted in a very last minute fic xD;
I wonder if the bloody plot bunnies in this fic scared the fluffy plot bunnies away xD;
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