FIC- Lies for Love Part Twenty-Five- END

Jul 13, 2009 20:26

Title: Lies for love
Pairing: Thirteen/Cameron, Thirteen/Cuddy
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Pretty much zilch. This is set at the beginning of Season 5 when House has his new team but contains nothing about them specific to episodes.
Disclaimer: I own... nada.
Summary: Thirteen can't remain faithful and risks losing everything that matters to her.

( Part One.) ( Part Two) ( Part Three) (Part Four) (Part Five) (Part Six) (Part Seven) (Part Eight) (Part Nine) (Part Ten) (Part Eleven) (Part Twelve)   (Part Thirteen)   (Part Fourteen)  (Part Fifteen)  (Part Sixteen)  (Part Seventeen)   (Part Eighteen)   (Part Nineteen)   (Part Twenty)  (Part Twenty-One)   (Part Twenty-Two)  (Part Twenty-Three)   (Part Twenty-Four)

I am pleased to inform you that this is the final part! :) Thanks for all your love and support.



The coming weeks were some of the hardest weeks Thirteen had ever faced in her life. Although she went back to work and resumed her normal duties, things were very different. Her colleagues saw the tension between herself and House and though they had no idea why, they certainly didn’t stop guessing. Thirteen did her best to ignore it and bite her tongue, but sometimes when she caught the envious way House was looking at her, she had to really try hard not to rise to the bait. If it wasn’t for the fact that she was doing everything the way Cuddy wanted so that she didn’t lose her again then she most likely would have punched him, but knowing that a move like that would signal the end of her relationship (not to mention career) she held back.

It was even harder when he made snide comments that could only be understood by Thirteen, such as when they’d had to deal with the case of a patient who was a serial cheater. House had taken the greatest of pleasure in winding her up with comments like, “Once a cheat; always a cheat” and proceeding to smirk in her direction. He’d refrained from saying anything in front of Cuddy which meant that Thirteen couldn’t really complain, because she doubted that Cuddy would have sided with her anyway. In addition to this, she didn’t really want to draw attention to the past and her mistakes, because it was likely to cause nothing but upset for Cuddy, and perhaps lead her to reconsider her decision to resume their relationship.

“Remy?” Thirteen heard Cuddy arrive home and call out from the hall. She’d been waiting alone in Cuddy’s house for the past half an hour, having been allowed to keep her key as long as she had permission from Cuddy to use it on each occasion. It was a far cry from what she was used to, but she entirely understood why Cuddy wanted it to be like this. “Where are you?”

“In here,” Thirteen announced her presence in the living room. As Cuddy walked in she plastered a huge smile across her face. Everything she did with Cuddy was done with the utmost enthusiasm so that it looked like she was making an effort. “Did you have a good day?”

“Fine,” Cuddy nodded, placing her briefcase and handbag on the floor. She took a tentative seat next to Thirteen suggesting that she wanted to say something but was nervous about it.

“What is it?” Thirteen was immediately worried that she’d done something wrong. Cuddy might have given her a second chance, but that didn’t mean that she couldn’t change her mind.

“Have you heard?” Cuddy returned Thirteen’s question with one of her own.

“Heard what?” Thirteen was beyond confused.

Cuddy watched Thirteen carefully, seemingly gauging her reaction to see if she was telling the truth. Satisfied that Thirteen really didn’t have a clue what she was talking about, she revealed, “Cameron and Chase have split up.”

Thirteen put her head in her hands and breathed a sigh of relief when she realised it was nothing to do with their relationship, though Cuddy completely misread her body language. “You’re glad?”

Recognising that Cuddy didn’t understand what she meant, Thirteen denied, “No! No I was just glad that was all you had to say. I thought you were upset about something I’d done.” Shifting closer to Cuddy, she kissed her on the cheek, pleased when she didn’t flinch or pull away. The awkwardness hadn’t been all Thirteen had to deal with the past few weeks; she’d had to resist close contact with Cuddy. Hugs and kisses were ok most of the time, but occasionally Cuddy would turn away, not even allowing Thirteen that much. It was to be expected; Thirteen knew it would take time before she was completely trusted again. But on the occasions when Cuddy didn’t reject her she attempted to push things further.

Realising that now was the perfect chance to try and advance their relationship once again, Thirteen began kissing Cuddy’s neck, focusing on her pulse point which she knew Cuddy liked. Feeling Cuddy shiver against her lips, she snaked an arm around Cuddy’s waist and slipped her hand underneath Cuddy’s shirt, tracing the warm skin beneath it. Though her girlfriend stiffened she didn’t push Thirteen away, therefore leading Thirteen to believe that she was simply responding to her touch. Encouraged by this thought, Thirteen moved to the straddle position, trapping Cuddy between her legs. She looked down, connecting their mouths and sliding her tongue inside of Cuddy’s mouth, eliciting a gasp from her.

“Stop,” Cuddy protested, but she didn’t prevent Thirteen from continuing to kiss her.

“You really want me to stop?” Thirteen whispered, nipping on Cuddy’s neck once again.

“Yes,” Cuddy sounded unsure. “No. I... God!” She cried out as Thirteen moved her hand upwards from her waist to one of her breasts, rolling the nipple between her thumb and finger.

“Yes or no?” Thirteen shuffled closer to Cuddy, their midriffs now pressed together. She stopped kissing Cuddy, though she didn’t remove her hand from inside of her bra.

“You don’t care about Chase and Cameron splitting up?” Cuddy asked shakily. “I mean... she’s single now. You could...”

“No,” Thirteen said firmly, wanting to drum it into Cuddy’s head. “I love you. Why can’t you see that? I don’t give a damn about Cameron being single.”

“Not at all?” Cuddy checked, searching Thirteen’s eyes for reassurance.

“I feel bad that her relationship has failed, sure,” Thirteen admitted. “But that doesn’t mean I want to be with her any more than when she was with Chase,” She paused briefly, raising her other hand to Cuddy’s cheek. “I don’t want what has happened to them to happen to us. I want us to survive this.”

Cuddy nodded. “Me too. I just... you can’t blame me for being insecure, Remy.”

“I don’t,” Thirteen promised. “And I’ll do whatever it takes to earn your trust again.”

A saddened expression came across Cuddy’s face. “I know you mean well but I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to trust you again. I’m going to try my best, but I don’t know if I can.”

“That’s fair enough,” Thirteen forced herself to speak. Cuddy’s words upset her but she was only being honest, and as much as the truth hurt it was far better than lying. She’d learnt that the hard way. Against what her body wanted, what it was screaming for her to do, Thirteen pulled her hand out of Cuddy’s shirt and shuffled away from her. There was no point in trying to make Cuddy want her sooner than when she was ready. And Cuddy’s statement on trust only served to show Thirteen how this relationship was no longer about what she wanted.

“What are you doing?” Cuddy asked, failing to mask the hurt in her eyes at Thirteen’s rejection of her. “Are you mad?”

“Don’t be silly,” Thirteen shook her head, smiling. “I’m just giving you space.”

“I...I don’t want that sort of space,” Cuddy stuttered. “At least I don’t think I do. Not anymore.”

Thirteen sat up, focusing her attention on Cuddy. “Then what do you want?”

Swallowing hard, Cuddy asked, almost nervously, “Can we go upstairs?”

With a genuine smile, Thirteen replied without a hint of hesitation in her voice, “Yeah. Yeah of course we can.” She rose to her feet, held out a hand to help Cuddy up. “Let’s go.”


In some ways, it was like the first time all over again. It was gentle, soft, and more about intimacy than the pleasure. In the entire time Thirteen had been with Cuddy, she had never felt so close to her. She felt no guilt as there were no secrets between them, and so for Thirteen it was the most perfect moment of affection, love. This was what she had craved in as long as she could remember; someone that she felt completely safe and comfortable with. If her relationship with Cuddy could survive the betrayal she had inflicted upon it then she was sure it could survive anything.

“Tell me if you want me to stop,” Thirteen whispered in between nibbling and kissing Cuddy’s ear. “We can take this as slow as you want.”

“I don’t want you to stop,” Cuddy replied hoarsely, arching herself against Thirteen. She shuffled out of her skirt, immediately moving on to free Thirteen of her trousers.

“Are you sure?” Thirteen checked, though she continued to undo the buttons of Cuddy’s shirt.

“Hmm,” Cuddy assured her, eyes shut and head thrown backwards as Thirteen trailed butterfly kisses along her neck. “Feels... so good to be with you again.”

Thirteen smiled. “I’m not disagreeing with that,” she said, her voice muffled as she pressed her mouth to various areas of Cuddy’s body. She didn’t focus her attention on any one part too long, having progressed from Cuddy’s ear and neck to her breasts which had been freed from the shirt and bra. Discarding Cuddy’s panties onto the floor below, Thirteen admired her girlfriend, her eyes roaming up and down her body.

“Stop staring and take off your own clothes,” Cuddy instructed with a groan as she tugged Thirteen’s underwear from her.

Thirteen smirked as she saw a little of the Cuddy she used to know appear. Unclipping her own bra, she announced. “Nothing left to take off now.”

Cuddy grinned. “Good.” She wrapped her legs around Thirteen, tightly pressing their bodies together. Thirteen ran her hands over Cuddy’s toned torso, feeling as though she were in some kind of other world. Never again had she dreamed she would be allowed to touch Cuddy in this way, even when they decided to give their relationship another go. Blue eyes locked with green, and Thirteen leant down and gently kissed Cuddy on her mouth, feeling her girlfriend tense beneath her.

Thirteen couldn’t help worrying at the sudden action. “This is ok, isn’t it?” She wanted nothing more than to move things along but she had to be sure that Cuddy was ready to take things further after everything that had happened.

“Yeah,” Cuddy replied, though she was slightly hesitant to do so, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Thirteen.

“Sure? Because if you like we can just stay like this,” Thirteen offered, stroking Cuddy’s cheek. “I’m ok with it.”

“No... it’’s just,” Cuddy stuttered, and sat up slightly, forcing Thirteen to shift backwards. “Is this going to be like last time?”

“Last time?” Thirteen tried to figure out what Cuddy meant.

“Don’t you remember the last time we had sex?” Cuddy prompted in an apprehensive voice.

“I...” Thirteen racked her brains. It hit her. The last time they’d had sex had been when Thirteen pressured Cuddy into hurting her. “I remember. You don’t have to worry, Lise. That’s never going to happen again.”

Cuddy still looked nervous, and Thirteen knew she hadn’t said enough to convince her that she meant every word.

“I wanted you to do that because I really did feel as if I didn’t deserve you,” Thirteen explained openly. “It was wrong; I know that now. But there’s no secrets between us anymore. We can do this however you want to. Slowly, gently...” Thirteen placed her lips to Cuddy’s neck, softly trailing upwards over her chin and met Cuddy’s mouth in a passionate kiss. “Or we can just... do this.” She carefully manoeuvred herself so that her arms were either side of Cuddy on the bed, drawing her into Thirteen’s circle of protection. “Whatever you want, Lisa.”

“Slowly?” Cuddy checked, her eyes searching Thirteen’s for final reassurance.

“As slow as you like,” Thirteen promised.

Cuddy nodded her permission. With a smile, Thirteen caressed Cuddy’s tongue with her own, smiling as Cuddy ran her fingers through her hair, encouraging her to continue. She did so, running her hands over Cuddy’s breasts, stroking her nipples tenderly, careful to adhere to Cuddy’s wishes of not being too rough. Cuddy’s moan of pleasure told her that she was doing something right, and so she took another small step forward and brought a nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue in a clockwise direction. With her free hand she lowered it to the inside of Cuddy’s thigh, penetrating the wetness and thrusting in and out of her, her thumb skimming over her clit.

Thirteen moulded her body into Cuddy’s, mouth pressed against her shoulder, face buried into Cuddy’s neck. Intense feelings of love and lust pounded through her body as Cuddy’s gasps told her how close she was, and so she lifted her head to watch the expression on Cuddy’s face. Her lips were parted, eyes shut as her chest rose and fell, faster and faster the closer she was to her climax. Grinding her hips against Cuddy’s, Thirteen increased the pressure of her hand, her thumb moving quicker as Cuddy was pushed over the edge, calling out as she came. “Remy...” she moaned, her hands reaching around Thirteen’s head to smash their lips together in a searing kiss.

Thirteen lifted her hand to her mouth, sucked her fingers clean whilst Cuddy watched, trying to get her breath back. She smiled cheekily at her girlfriend, reassured that everything was ok when the smile was returned. “Are you alright?”

“Mmm,” Cuddy groaned between struggled breaths. “I... I...” She stopped speaking, seemingly attempting to formulate the right words.

“Sure you’re ok?” Thirteen asked again.

“Yeah. Just... really good,” Cuddy revealed, eyes shut.

Thirteen laughed. “Glad to hear it.” She brushed Cuddy’s hair back off her face and waited for her to compose herself.

Moments later, Cuddy opened her eyes again. “I love you.”

“Love you more,” Thirteen grinned.

Cuddy drew Thirteen in for a kiss and flipped her onto her back, so that now she was the one underneath. Thirteen began breathing heavily as Cuddy moved downwards and curled her tongue around Thirteen’s clit, fingernails digging into her thighs as she spread Thirteen’s legs open. She alternated between sucking, licking and nipping Thirteen, knowing exactly the right spot to hit to make her gasp aloud. The sensation was exactly how Thirteen had remembered; one that she had desperately missed the past few weeks. Gazing down, she watched as her girlfriend worked on her and the pulsing quickened. Knowing she was close, Thirteen was unable to resist grabbing Cuddy’s head and pushing her closer, allowing her to reach her release, head thrown back as blinding lights clouded her vision.

Seconds later and Cuddy was silently snuggled into her; the only sounds penetrating the quiet being their beating hearts, in unison together. There were no more words needed, no awkwardness, no lies. It was the closest to happy that Thirteen had ever been, and that was enough. Things weren’t ideal and they never would be, but then real life wasn’t a Hollywood movie, was it? Real life was surviving the bad times and mistakes that you made, your relationship stronger as a result. Thirteen had no lies left to tell, not anymore. She only had love to give, and there was no doubt in her mind that this was all she’d been waiting for. All she ever wanted.




thirteen/cameron, fic, fic: lies for love, house md, thirteen/cuddy

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