[After seeing Reeve, like Rufus 'ordered', now Vincent's going to make his way to see someone he hasn't in a while.. and follow their link to appear where he knows he'll be.]
[Without even a glance over his shoulder, hands loosely clasped behind his back, he had felt him near, yet in the glow of Mako before his goddess and bride, that usual smile he would form did not appear.]
[Apologizing.. after all this. He would have smiled, he could have, he even felt his mouth twitching just to revel in the Turk's shattered pride. But he knew all too well, just what he was trembling about.. And deep within his blackened depths, he felt the flicker of the single part of him that held a trace of compassion.]
Not another word of that nonsense..
[He turns, gliding to him in soundless step, and in the glow of Gaia's lifeflow and before the sight of their beloved one, he graces his martyr's cheek with the cool of his thin touch.]
[Looking at Hojo now, his own eyes filling with tears, and in an angry growl, he lowers his head, clutching Hojo's coat and moving his face in to his chest, trying his best not to sob and failing.]
That idiot.. he's your son alright.
[ Relief, and a hint of amusement with teasing, directed at the other man. ]
[A thin brow twitching from that little jab, he finds himself smirking as that mess of black tresses buries itself into his chest. He always did love their bitter-sweet moments of irony.]
There, there.. Heh eh, you're being entirely too light on yourself..
[Hissing his casual snark, he traces his spindly fingertips through the Turk's unruly mop and sighs in strange contentment.]
I'd expect full blown self-infliction from you about now over this.. hmhm, but maybe you do learn..
[A coil of his arm around the Turk's frame, he pulls him to himself as firm as one of his stature could, and laid his sunken cheek against his mako-glossed crown in murmer.]
Though, so easily you fall into doubt, Valentine.. Tis a flesh wound as those barbarians would say.. Just as he has returned once, twice, three times.. he will return infinite..
[ Scoffing lightly, yet appreciating the other's actions, Vincent only moves his face into the side of his neck, and his arms - one fully gloved because the gauntlet isn't present and the other as he always has it, and remains nestled into that warmth. ]
.. Hm.You always did relieve me in the strangest of ways...
[ Slowly drawing his head back, he looks up into the other's face and shakes his head. ]
Everything's falling apart in that city. Perhaps it's best for you to not return there. Even he.. Sephiroth.. he deserves some time to himself now. Without my.. burden.
[ Then, curiosity lining his gaze, he tilts his head to a side to watch the scientist, and move his gloved hand under which is his demonic arm, to the other's face. ]
... I knew I'd find you here.
Late as the norm, Turk.. Heh, She began to worry.
[To who, is unclear, but then, after approaching him and standing behind him, Vincent owers his head.]
I can't save anyone.. at all.
[HIs voice is shaking with the slightest of shivers, as though he's holding back tears.]
Forgive me.
Not another word of that nonsense..
[He turns, gliding to him in soundless step, and in the glow of Gaia's lifeflow and before the sight of their beloved one, he graces his martyr's cheek with the cool of his thin touch.]
You haven't anything to snivel over..
[Allowing his head to tilt up to the touch, meeting his maker's black gaze.]
It doesn't change the fact I could not protect him from pain...
[Drawing his hand up to brush against Hojo's and close his eyes disappointedly.]
.. I don't understand why.. he said he did it.. for me..
[Glacial sable eyes soften but a stitch at this. At least the Turk got something right for once.]
After all this time, he is still a child with a loaded gun.. hm, in this case turned on himself..
[A morbid humor faints across his thin mouth.]
Hmhmhm.. You should be glad he's a bad shot..
[Like father, like son after all.]
But what do you expect of the boy? He'll clutch to whatever sense of familiarity he can garner.. You're no exception..
It's one of those foolish acts one makes when they truly care for another.. Such self-sacrificing, feh.. hm, he never got any of that from me..
... 'Bad shot'...?
[ His eyes widen a bit, and he meets the other's gaze in shock, trying to piece together what was just said. ]
That means he..
That idiot.. he's your son alright.
[ Relief, and a hint of amusement with teasing, directed at the other man. ]
I'm such a fool.
There, there.. Heh eh, you're being entirely too light on yourself..
[Hissing his casual snark, he traces his spindly fingertips through the Turk's unruly mop and sighs in strange contentment.]
I'd expect full blown self-infliction from you about now over this.. hmhm, but maybe you do learn..
[A coil of his arm around the Turk's frame, he pulls him to himself as firm as one of his stature could, and laid his sunken cheek against his mako-glossed crown in murmer.]
Though, so easily you fall into doubt, Valentine.. Tis a flesh wound as those barbarians would say.. Just as he has returned once, twice, three times.. he will return infinite..
Hmhmhm.. It is my gift to him after all..
.. Hm.You always did relieve me in the strangest of ways...
[ Slowly drawing his head back, he looks up into the other's face and shakes his head. ]
Everything's falling apart in that city. Perhaps it's best for you to not return there. Even he.. Sephiroth.. he deserves some time to himself now. Without my.. burden.
[ Then, curiosity lining his gaze, he tilts his head to a side to watch the scientist, and move his gloved hand under which is his demonic arm, to the other's face. ]
What's happened to you?
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