(no subject)

Jan 29, 2011 20:27

Вот кстати, почему я терпеть не могу Logic, Саймон Посфорд гениально разъяснил всю политику Apple в софте (что файналкат, что лоджик )

Simon Posford: "Logic is our main workhorse. The main feature we still want, and we hear people bang on about it all the time in Sound On Sound, is 'bounce in place'. So many times we've set up edits of audio on a track with loads of plugins and we want to bounce it to an audio file and use that in our arrangement. I counted the amount of clicks you have to do to achieve that in Logic and it's over 30 or something - utterly ridiculous! You bounce it, then import it into your audio window, then drag it out of the audio window back into the arrange, make a track for it, delete all your plugins, delete the old track that was there, take the parts off, you know... I'm falling asleep just talking about it.
"Every time a new version comes out it's got new graphics, which I really don't care about. I'd love it if, instead, they spent their time updating the timestretch algorithms. In each version there's all this stuff that seems to have been there for 10 years but now has a new interface.
Несерьезно же, ну.

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