
Aug 10, 2007 18:02

I have the world's worse migraine. I have had it since I woke up. My entire back and neck have been sore too, and what's worse, I think that my period is going to make an unwanted visit too. I have felt so crap that I have wanted to vomit with the pain and have been moving very little all day. Mum gave me two of her Digesic which are what she takes for her back but my skull still feels like it is too small for my brain. I really hope I don't end up getting the flu either. We are in the midst of a giant killer flu strain! It has killed about FIVE people already! Including little kids! Flu burung! Flu burung! Argh! The chickens are wrecking their revenge! Actually, it's not bird flu, it's influenza A but I'm sure that the chickens are behind it. This white screen is making my eyes hurt :( Damn eyes! Anyway, if this makes no sense, it's the drugs, teh drugs I tell you! Apparently these tablets are supposed to make you drowsy. Pfft. Lies!

This week has been crappy - I only went to uni on Monday. I had another migraine on Monday too, but had to go becasue of my class. That went really well - I had a few away because of Splendour being on the weekend. I am really enjoying it though, and I am getting really good feedback from the kids so hopefully I am on the right track. Tuesday I had that terrible post-migraine hangover so I had to soothe this by doing the most obvious thing - going shopping. I went and had my first facial.

It kinda freaked me out. They make you put your head in this UV box and they shine uv light on you face to look at what type of skin you have. I almost went into apoplexy. Apparently, behind this thin veil skin lies Lindsay Lohan. I kid you not. My face looks like Lindsay Lohan's back. It is ALL freckles. I had forgot how freckly I am. I have spent years of sun avoidance for nothing apparently. A good day out in the sun and I will turn into a speckly mess. I was shocked. There are NO normal parts of skin - ALL FRECKLES. Apparently my 'tan' lies about 2mm under my skin! I am a mass of freckles!!! I was so shocked that my skin resembles a dalmatian that I didn't even realise that parts of my face was GLOWING. The UV light picks up your oil spots and makes them shine FLUORO YELLOW AND FLUORO ORANGE!!! Ick! Next to my nose and on a little on my chin were GLOWING ORBS OF DEATH! It was the strangestthing I'd ever seen. It was like there was a rave party on my face and I never knew that it existed! Little glow sticks of oil mocking me in the black light!! GAH!

I have seemingly always had a terrible time with blackheads, never acne, just blackheads. No matter what I do I can't get rid of them. I mean, unless you are looking close, you probably don't notice them that much, especially since I have a thing for squeeezing them. As part of the facial, the chick SQUEEZED ALL MY BLACKHEADS. WTF?!?! IT has to be the single most bizarre request I have ever head. "Would you like me to do extractions?" She made it sound like some sort of Black Ops exercise!! Strange. The facial itself was lovely. I understand why people go and have them. It was so relaxing, despite the fact that my face was steamed and squeezed into a florid mess. It was good. And it didn't eat my face off, which I was surprised considering I am allergic to a lot of products.

Wednesday I worked a shift for Martin because a huge home sale was starting on Thursday. He wants me to come back. I know that he had his heart set on training me up for management. He even said that he has a section for me if I want it. It's kinda tempting to go to part-time status, because at the moment with teaching I have done no research whatsoever in the past 5 weeks which is worrying. I know I am eating up time with nothing to show for it. I mean the class is great, but I am the course coordinator which means that I have to prepare the course materials and everything. I only get paid for 6 hours a week, but in reality I am spending at least 3 full days working on stuff for my class. Because I haven't taught anything before I ahve no materials, and the guidelines for what I am actually teaching aren't fixed. Basically, it's been left all up to me to sort things out and make sure that the kids are getting taught what they need to know to go into third year. :( This sucks because Helen is still expecting me to fulfil my research duties too. I can feel myself getting more and more run down and I really don't want to be sick like I was earlier in the year.

Wednesday night was The Cure. Unbelievable! It was simply brilliant. Robert Smith's voice is pristine and the band sounded great. And they played 'Lovesong' which made me very very happy indeed. I had front row tix on the side of the mosh so I had the best view!! And Robert smiled a lot too, like he really was enjoying himself. Hehe, he did a little dance, something akin to Mr Bean's. It amused me greatly. So worthwhile. It is firmly in my Top 5, if not Top 3 concerts. Definitely. Thursday was spent recovering from the Cure. So in some respects I have been a bit lazy this week, but I've been feeling like I've been coming down with the flu al week so I thought it was best to take it easy. That and Lara my officemate has been a bit of a vector for disease lately, lol, so I have been trying to avoid getting sick(er) this week too.

I should probably go and take some more drugs. Writing this hasn't helped my migraine, but it was time for an update. I watched The First Wives Club for the millionth time today. I love Bette Midler, let it never be said that she is not a true Diva. And I love Dianne Keaton - ballsy, brilliant and ageing gracefully. Unlike some other older stars (Priscilla Presley, I'm looking at you), she is elegant, dignified and confident in her self. I like that.

Besides, looking like the Joker is never a good thing.
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