Finally, some photies!

May 30, 2007 19:23

I've finally gotten round to resizing the photos I took at the NIN concert on the 7th. It was awesome, although they didn't play as much of the new album as I had anticipated. I have since heard that they will probably be back around this way later on in the year - September is my bet. I think I embarassed Tracey, hehe. Pfft, as if I'm not going to sing/scream along. Besides, going to a NIN concert is just about the best therapy I can think of.

Here is what they played (I was very excited about the inclusion of the songs marked***):

Nine Inch Nails Setlist, Brisbane 07/05/07

The Beginning Of The End
March of the Pigs
Gave Up
Help Me I'm In Hell
La Mer
No You Don't
The Big Come Down***
Down In It***
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like A Hole

Burn was, as always, a highlight.

I still can't believe they played Down In It. Obviously Trent is planning to re-launch his rap career. I NEVER thought I'd hear that song live EVER. I swear I laughed the entire time. Let's face it, if ever there were a NIN song to be mocked - and mocked hard - it would be that song. Rapping and nursery rhyme lyrics! For shame Trent!!!!

And now, some photos!!!!

Pre-concert tomfoolery included drinking beer and some Jimmies and watching That 70's Show. Tracey was a bit drunk before we left. The god-awful walk from Dave's in THE VALLEY to the RIVERSTAGE made me lose the will to live. The only thing keeping me going was the fact that I knew I'd be given the opportunity to scream 'fist fuck' at some point of the evening.

Me and Trace hanging out at Dave and his brother Ben's place

The Dave.

Good times with the Jimmies!

We managed to survive the Walk of Death. Here we are amusing ourselves before NIN came on.

Too many Jimmies? ehehe

Too cute these two

The Boys - Ben, Dave and Dave's mate, Micky G (Renee's husband, Cas)

Trent stops being a diva and comes on stage! Huzzah!!! I really like some of the more abstract ones.

Oh and it rained on us a bit too.

And now for some totally unrelated randomness, here are some photos taken on my phone!

This was taken at St John's college, in the fish pond near Annie's place.

I can't remember where I took this, I think it was in one of the new uni buildings. It's obvious meaning is clearly "No Sasquatches."

And finally, I was driving to work this morning and there was really heavy fog! It was exciting!

This was waiting in traffic. That's Toowang Village shrouded in the distance.

The million-dollar-waste-of-oval at uni.


That is all for now!!! More postcards on the way bodges, and parcel next week - I need bubble wrap!!


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