Jul 24, 2004 01:58
so i went to see half car's last show today at this battle with anna and kathrine. they were fuckin awesome. and the band that played right before half car fuckin sucked so bad. it was funny. sometime after that we got hungry so me, anna, kathrine, dan, kevin, david, ron, and marguarite(i suck at spelling) went to eat at huck finn. and then i came home. today i had the worst fucking cramps. i took like 4 motrin in the morning and it did nothing, so my mom let me have a wine cooler to relax me and it helped.
tommorrow im not sure if warped tour is a definate for me... and it sucks MAJOR ass. ive been waiting for it since the beginning of summer and now my mom says i have to go to my grandmas bday party because its her last. dont get me wrong i love my grams, but i mean... come on, for christs sake, its WARPED TOUR! and im most likely going to miss it unless by some miricle my mother developes alztimers within the next 10 hours. :'(
PS. my new lj look kicks ass