LiveJournal-Dreamwidth Mirror

Apr 14, 2017 10:18

Hi folks, it's your erstwhile maintainer here. Because of issues with LiveJournal involving ownership and content, about which you may have read in the news, esteven and I have decided to import perfect_duet in its entirety to Dreamwidth. The comm on LiveJournal will continue to exist for as long as possible, so there is no need to stop posting in it, but I wanted to give people a heads-up because all entries posted at LJ now appear at Dreamwidth under the OpenID of the original poster. You can claim your OpenID and link it to your Dreamwidth account, or, if you object to your entries being on Dreamwidth (which is far more protective of you and your content than LJ has ever been), you can have your posts removed. There was no way to import selectively.

I'm sorry if this inconveniences anyone; protecting the community and its content was our primary concern. Please feel free to join the community at Dreamwidth. ETA: sharpiefan reminds everyone to claim your OpenIDs BEFORE deleting your LiveJournals if you intend to do so, since you can't be authorized under that name otherwise!

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