Advent Calendar - Day 6

Dec 07, 2016 16:04

Advent Calendar : 6th December

An Advent Drabble

Title: The Road Less Travelled
Author: rifleman_s
Characters: Jack Aubrey & Stephen Maturin
Written for: The perfect_duet Christmas Calendar
Warnings: None - just using my imagination!
Word Count: 100 (A Christmas Drabble)
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Patrick O’Brian; I’m just borrowing them for a little while - no offence intended to anyone.

The Road Less Travelled

The road before Stephen’s feet had always been a wide one. Freedom of choice, freedom of opportunity for discovery, and always the side roads to travel, to meet new people, find new challenges. He’d never really wanted it any other way; would have felt restricted . . .

But that was before. Before the adventure that was Jack carried him along on a tidal wave. A tidal wave of lust, turning to a torrent of love, then to a pool of contentment. Now they were venturing into the rest of their lives together, walking across the bridge to a narrower, more comforting road.

~ End ~
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