Enkanowen recently offered two opportunities for fandom drabblets, and, as always, I could not resist asking for Jack and Stephen. Since they were both lovely, I asked for permission to post them in the LJ Perfect_Duet as well as its sister comm on DW:
Drabble 1
Their offer:
I wrote a couple of these over the holidays and just finished the last one today. Depending on how I feel over the next while, I may tackle people's multiples, but I wanted to make sure I got one out to everyone who requested one
Winter Drabble
“I assure you, Stephen, there is no way I could have possibly known that woman knew how to handle a pistol of that calibre.”
“Of course you are also without any clue as to why a complete stranger would be able to steal your pistol from your belt, nearly kill your First Lieutenant, and then crack you in the head hard enough to nearly split your skull.” Stephen sighed and changed the dressing on Jack's head. Luckily, wounds of the head bled more than the damage they represented. Unbeknownst to Jack, he had witnessed the incident and the woman had connected the brass butt-cap with Jack's forehead with considerable force.
“Well, there might have been some wine involved.” Jack flinched when Stephen pressed the fresh dressing against his head. “And perhaps the wrongful insinuation that she was a roller. In the end, of course, she turned out as such, making off with my pistol, but by her reaction I judge it was not her initial intention.”
“Just once,” Stephen pressed his lips just above the wound, “just once can we lay anchor in the East Indies without the apparently to inevitable bloodshed from you? Just once?”
“Oh but my dear Stephen,” Jack tilted his head to capture Stephen's lips in a soft kiss, “you know that is a promise I am always bound to break.”
Drabble 2
Their offer:
3 sentence Valentine's mini drabbles!
So give me:
1. a fandom
2. a pairing or friendship
3. romantic fluff or suggestive sexy times (I'm not feeling writing porn)
4. optionally a tiny mini prompt or just a couple of words (or specify if you want it to be specifically valentine's day related, up to you)
My Prompt:
Well you know my favourite fandom, my favourite OTP, bit of romantic fluff, even when Jack and Stephen have no clue about Valentine's Day. But maybe one of them writes a little piece of music they can practise?
Enkanowen’s Reply:
of course I do :D
February, 14th
It isn't a particularly complicated piece, in fact if looked at in a more partial manner, it is not a very flattering piece of music at all, lumbering, some notes lingering too long, others stumbling too fast, heavy and without intricacy, but every note is Jack. Every note is everything Jack wants to but cannot tell Stephen.
So, Stephen plays every note in exactly the way Jack intended, smiles when he hears Jack stumble over his words mid-conversation with Pullings when he recognizes the piece. He smiles again later, much later that night when he sits in his quarters reading by the waning light of his candle and there is a knock on his door followed by Jack's voice, hushed and hoarse:
"Stephen, my-, are you still awake?"