Advent Calendar Day 10 - No Surprise...

Dec 10, 2015 17:37

...but the Indefatigable :)

for my dear

How did it start? It started when I found a picture of the Indie (sorry it's not the Surprise) on a modelmaker's site. Simultaneously Christmas stuff was on display at every corner. So the idea popped up: Why not make a Naval Advent Calendar? Presumably for my dear friend, our Admiral nodbear, with lots of pictures mostly from the Hornblower movies and things related to/around the Indefatigable.

This is how it started: Take a picture of the model Indefatigable:

Take a picture of the picture (...because resolution was too small...) and print it out on nine pages.

Glue them together:

Voilá! Including stains and folds :) Gives the Indie a more antique look^^.

Next step: Initially I wanted to saw out the gun ports and place a 'gun' behind every port, the porthole to be opened with a wire and a number attached... yadayadayada. Too much effort, not enough time. So I decided to take a cardboard tube and cut rings from it.

A closer look reveals the marks made with a compass :) (Wasn't aware that 'compass' means 'Zirkel' in German...)

One of the first things I ever bought on ebay: a papercutter DIN A 3! Perfect tool for cutting rings lol

First I tried to cut them with a knife. Not good. Then with a saw... blech! A dream gave the inspiration for the paper cutter.
*pats brain*

Handmade box and where to glue the rings later on. Rings because it's easier to accomplish, gives stability and can be filled with sweets.

In the meanwhile I glued the paper with the Indieprint onto stiffer cardboard. I used spray on glue and used my old boxes as weights :)

(Yes, they are still functional. The stereo set is from 1990 :))
(The leopard skin is artificial. No worries!)

The result - a crumpled Indie attached to cardboard :) (Sorry for the changing quality of the pics. But I had to go to work and had to do most of the work on the calendar during the night, so to speak.)
A part of her isn't glued to cardboard yet. I wanted to fold the whole thing when finished. It is foldable :) Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of it... I will see my nodbear in eleven days. Maybe we can post something then :)

With a pencil and a gold coin I drew circles for the 23 'windows'. No 24 is rectangular. (Not on the picture.)

And cut them out with a box cutter.

Add funny numbers. (Love the 'crocodiles', no 3. No 22 seems to be violet elephants... *g*)
Buy a ridiculously expensive laquer pen, and draw a golden circle around each hole.

Something dangerous lurks behind no 13!!!

Time to glue the pics you see when you open the doorlets :) Blurrified, because - sorry! Spoiler alert for
nodbear :)

The silver ringlets are glued to the underside of the inside of the Indie :) Silver because gold was sold out... The cardboard was part of the 'Disabled people paint' calendar from 2014, or so. Nice material :) I hope they don't mind.

The glue I used this time was (ten years old) glue bookbinder use when they make books. Very good stuff! I highly recommend it. It's called Planatol BB. Costs around 15 Euro a bottle.

Small golden latches where attached to open the doorlets and...

...filled with sweets :)

Almost finished! The sea gull covers a glue stain :) The fishes are made of soft plastic. The ribbon is a foundling from my Krimskrams drawer :)
The Welsh flag because nodbear decends from Wales :) Besides - who does not love dragons? (Glyn sends greetings too^^)

It still looks a bit empty...

What would a ship be without sails? A wooden hull. Although she looks a bit like hopping over the waves I think the calendar turned out rather good! A pinch white and golden glimmer - ready is the Naval Advent Calendar 2015!

Thanks for watching all pictures! Comments are welcomed. Also requests for next year's calendars. Maybe it will be the dear Surprise filled with pics of the Naval Romance^^

Special Thank goes to anteros_lmc who gave me permission to plunder her LJ photostream :)

Have a nice Christmas time and a good year 2016! Happy sailing and HUZZAH to perfect_duet and our sister comm

author/artist: a, fanart, christmas calendar

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