Advent Calendar Day 19 - Christmas with the Aubrey Family

Dec 19, 2013 19:34

Mrs. Sophia Aubrey and myself have been bustling around the kitchen this evening to get holiday treats ready for Captain Aubrey & Doctor and Mrs. Maturin. It was determined that gingerbread Lords and Ladies would be served at the end of the meal in lieu of the customary pudding. While Fanny, Charlotte and George decorate them, I have taken the liberty of sneaking a few images to share.

The children insisted on dressing Mrs. Maturin up for a fancy London party, and that she must be wearing "that giant blue necklace."

Captain and Mrs. Aubrey happily reunited after a long voyage.

Mrs. Williams scandalized by the children's behaviour and language, as well as Captain Aubrey's seeming lack of concern.

They even dressed one of the gingerbread boys up as Mr. Blakeney, Midshipman.

The twins and their brother.

(I do apologize for the delay, everyone! A few issues cropped up at home right as I was getting my original post ready. The recipe is here, and it is absolutely delicious:

author/artist: h, fancraft, christmas calendar

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