Spook Me Multi-Fandom Ficathon 2013

Sep 05, 2013 23:59

(Sorry I haven't had a chance to mention this before! Sign-ups end Friday the 6th, so you'll have to hurry to sign up!)

This is the lowest pressure ficathon in the world. There's no minimum word count, you can switch to a different fandom if the one you signed up for doesn't work out for you, and if you're not having fun, you just stop writing, no harm done. Slash, het, gen. Spooky, ghoulish, hilarious...you choose.

You choose a monster from the list of prompts (or ask the mod to select one for you), and you'll receive two secret prompts, which this year are based on tarot card art. Then you just need to use one of those three prompts in your story. Stories will be due Oct. 26th, but it's fine if you're a bit late...everything goes on the Master List eventually.

Sign up here!

Will Stephen discover a dinosaur? Will Jack turn into a werewolf? Is that unusual plant Stephen brought aboard somehow responsible for the mysterious disappearances of several Surprises? I think we already know how Jack feels about vampires... *eg*


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