I am still very much alive and kicking

Jan 04, 2012 01:35

Having been advised that my LJ has been purged, taking with it all comments made (as far as latin_cat could tell at the time), I feel that I need to inform those of you who remember me that I have not died or dropped off the face of the Internet.

I moved over to Dreamwidth in October 2010 over the Facebook/comments crossposting thing.

For those of you who would like to read my fics, they are located on Dreamwidth here at my fic journal
sharpiepen. If you want to comment to any of my fics, anonymous commenting is on, or you can set up an LJ-derived Open ID (click here to set this up).

I hope you are all well, and I have missed you - please come and drop me a line on Dreamwidth. It would be good to see you over there.
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