Drabble: Capture

Jan 26, 2011 09:29

I've had this drabble floating around collecting dust since the epic Anything Goes meme that inspired me to start writing in the fandom. I apologize for its incompleteness and lack of a beta.

Title: Capture
Rating: PG

Stephen, his attention absorbed by the dissection of a particularly rare specimen of bird, did not think anything of the form that snuck into his workspace, figuring the intruder merely wished to prattle something nautical at him and a few murmured agreements would suffice as conversation. He was not expecting the scalpel to be snatched from his hand deftly, nor for the same hand to be secured firmly behind his back with its mate. Neither did he anticipate a large hand covering his protesting mouth.

Pulled away from his specimen and his desk, his captor held him still and silent by the door, listening and waiting for the area to be clear before tugging him quickly out and toward a different cabin. The surgeon’s mind raced even faster than his heart, and he strained to hear if one of the crew was within earshot. His captor noticed, and leant in to mutter, “all hands are ashore, save the watch. We won’t be discovered in a hurry.” The reptilian glare he directed at the man must not have been up to its usual standard, as the man chuckled heartily and said, “come now, Doctor, was it not yesterday you remarked to me you wished for some time alone?”

For my work, Stephen thought, exasperation beginning to wear down into something else entirely. Then again, my studies of humans have been negle- Whatever thoughts were in his head were shortly driven out again by the touch of a hand at his hip, turning him round, and the other moving from his mouth to the nape of his neck, tugging him into a kiss.

author/artist: h, rating: pg, fanfiction, drabble, meme: anything goes

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