
May 11, 2005 14:43

I have written a few Stephen/Jack drabbles that have been posted over at mandc100. Since I have nothing better to do, I thought I might as well post them here too.


Stephen loves reason with a passion that is unreasonable. This is of course illogical, but still a fact, and as such it should vex him greatly. Yet it does not, and for a long time he tries to reason why this is so.

The irrationality of his behaviour was not clear to him until he met Jack, therefore he often finds himself contemplating his friend. He can sense the answer on the edge of his mind, but it still escapes him.

It isn't until a rare moment of pure emotion that he draws the logical conclusion; Jack's passion is reasonable.



Stephen once attended a lecture on the homeland of the great Linnaeus. It covered such diverse topics as flora, fauna and curious native customs.

Apparently, it was a common belief among local farmers that their deceased might render the land barren if the desires still dwelling in the dead body went unsatisfied. A piece of clothing worn by the opposite sex therefore accompanied the corpse in the coffin.

Stephen usually laughs at such naïve superstition, but as he enjoys a particularly guilty fantasy he can’t help but wonder. When his time is due, will Jack manage to spare a shirt?



Stephen is quite intoxicated. It's a pleasant feeling and as such he utterly dislikes it. He truly hates the way his fingers tingle as they caress the neck of the half empty bottle. Jack is now married and thus Stephen pours himself yet another glass of wine. He lifts it in a mock gesture, unwittingly spilling a few red droplets on the white cloth covering the table.

"To my dear Jack. Who turned out to be a great philosopher... Ha, ha!"

He knows the pun is appallingly bad; well worthy Jack.

Unbearable sorrow fills him as he empties the glass.

Notes: Didn't understand the pun? In Greek "Sophia" means "wisdom" and "Philosophy" means "love of wisdom". Jack's wife is called Sophie.



Stephen's hand is shaking, tiny vibrations multiplying, making me twitch eagerly. His desperate grip around me is hot and moist.

How I long to penetrate the body beneath me, but something is holding him back, making it impossible for me to reach my goal.

Suddenly I see his other hand doing what I myself wish for, caressing the pale skin in something close to awe. Circling warily around the damp cavity violating the smooth surface, the shivers slowly subside. Long fingers clench my shaft tightly one more time before relaxing with renewed confidence.

Stephen gets to work with steady hands.

Notes: This was my very first attempt at M&C, it was written for a challenge on mandc100 where you were supposed to write a drabble from the POV of a object. I thought it would be fun to write something that could be read in several ways...hence, you might read it as Jack/Stephen if you have a slashy mind.

fanfiction, drabble, author/artist: s

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