Title: The Edge of the Doldrums
Fandom: Aubrey/Maturin
Pairing: Jack/Stephen
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: O'Brian created them, and this one he just might not have minded.
Note: This is a response to a challenge posted by
elke_tanzer during the blackout, to write about a blackout, some sort of power failure, or for an Age of Sail fandom, the loss of the wind.
The Edge of the Doldrums )
Comments 12
Stephen did so, then Jack took his arm and pulled him over to a corner where a bulkhead met the hull. "Concentrate," he whispered.
Stephen was pressed against the wood, and he could perceive it was indeed shifting slightly, up and down, just a little.
Jack spoke again, still in a whisper. "There's no water in the world which will not rock a ship just a little."
Thank you for sharing this.
Jack spoke again, still in a whisper. "There's no water in the world which will not rock a ship just a little."
Stephen believed him. Surely this slight movement which had not registered to Stephen would do so automatically to Jack, even if unconsciously. Were the ship truly still, he would notice that, and Stephen imagined it would distress him.
This captures Jac and Stephen to perfection
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