newbie! :)

Jun 30, 2004 23:57

Hi all! Having just seen Far Side of the World last week, I'm brand-spankin'-new to this fandom, but I thought I'd post a little something I wrote <3

But first! Since I am brand-new around these parts, I'm not sure what the, er, guidelines(?) about movieverse v. bookverse are, if there are any. The thing is, I won't get to reading the series until, oh, probably next summer (I've got to finish 1984 and the LotR trilogy, start the first few books of Harry Potter, plus I have this thing called school in August...), so I'll be writing in movieverse (obviously). (I only say this because I've run into people who get in my face because I haven't read the LotR books. Sorry if I'm being paranoid...)

'Enough rambling!' you say. 'On to the fic, woman!' Ahem.

ANYWAY. This is my first attempt at Aubrey/Maturin (though not my first attempt at slash, by far!), so constructive criticism or suggestions are very very welcome!! :) Enjoy!

232 words

It is that time of night again.

"The Mozart, Jack?" you ask with an air of forgetfulness, as if we'd never done this before.

When I glance over, you're leaning forward into your cello, peering at me over the top of your glasses. Resisting the urge to jump on top of you in a fit of passion, I simply nod. "The Mozart."

You relax into your chair. I face the window, leaning on the table and strumming idly. Like many times before, I want to do away with the formalities of captain and surgeon-to toss our ritualistic behavior and instruments aside. I want to feel your lips on mine, your hand in my hair, your hip bone digging into my thigh.

I am your friend, your captain, your violinist, when all I want is to be your Jack.

"Jack? Are we going to play the duet or are you going to watch the sea all night?"

With a halfhearted smile, I turn, shake my arms out, pick up the bow, tuck the violin under my chin. I set the bow on the string and close my eyes. Nothing happens. You're waiting for me to speak, but my voice has suddenly left. Not daring to open my eyes and see yours, I clear my throat and whisper what I always say, this time of night.

"You start this one, Stephen."

PS: I've also got a fic journal, tea_at_bag_end, which should have some more M&C coming to it soon! It's friends-only, but leave a comment over there and I'll be glad to add you :) /pimpage

author/artist: g, rating: pg, fanfiction

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