Interview from Nessa

May 06, 2005 20:45

1. I bet I could beat you in Super Smash Bros. melee. What do you say to that?
I say, forgivemeifImwrongbutareyouaskingforachallenge?!?!

2. Will you give me a free chocloate shake?

3. What's the funniest thing Mr. Franz ever said/did to you or while you were around?
When myself, you, Alex (lexi, not gale) and Doyle were heading for 6th hour and we entered class laughing. Mr Franz yelled "Brandon!" And my response of course was "I didnt do it!" He then procceded to accuse me "Are you chasing girls again?" My response was classic, as his to my own "Always Mr Franz, Always." "Good! Thats a healthy growing boy for you right there!"

4. Are you excited about the new Zelda game coming out?
Not as much about the new Matrix game

5. Can I have your doggie?
Hells no! My mother would have my head! She likes the stinky mutt!
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